Friday, January 12, 2024

Kill me

Currently trapped in line at a pharmacy behind a woman demanding generic Emgality and refusing to leave until she gets it. So I guess I'll be here until 2034.


Jennette Fulda said...

Since you're still in line, let her know they have a savings program that will cover her copay if she's insured. I get mine for free that way. Migraine's are a bitch and no one should have to unnecessarily suffer because of financial struggles.

John Woolman said...

By which time there will likely be something better…

Alicia said...

I'm assuming that Emgality either doesn't have a generic yet or maybe it is a generic? Either way I hate waiting in pharmacy lines, whether in-store or the drive-thru.

gloriap said...

Your pharmacist needs assertiveness training. "Ma'am, I can't give you what does not exist. Please step aside for Dr. Grumpy."

Loren Pechtel said...

@Alicia: Given the specific wait time he specified I'm pretty sure that's when the patent expires.

Anonymous said...

If a patient doesn't like standing in line at the pharmacy, believe me, oh believe me, a pharmacist does NOT like looking out and seeing a patient standing in line either. Especially at 10 minutes after closing time.

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