But, look dude, if you're in a car by yourself, AND the cops find a bag of cocaine crammed in your butt, it's really not going to fly to claim it ain't yours.
Like this guy.
I'd like to thank my reader Lee for submitting this.
A Blog detailing the insanity of my medical practice and the stupidity of everyday life.
Maybe this is the next new trend? Firstly coffee enemas, next thing ya know...
Maybe he sat on it.
ha! His "friend" left it there.... yeah that's it!
Must have been crack cocaine.
And that's why they call it crack cocaine.
Disclaiming any responsibility for whatever may be stuffed down (up?) ones butt crack is a new paradigm in denial.
I've been reading too much sex history. I'm starting to come up with plausible scenarios...
I'm actually left wondering why the cops decided to look there in the first place - that's not really a part of a normal patdown, as I understand it.
"honest officer, I have no idea how this bag of coke but shoved up my butt, but I sure was wondering why I was so itchy...thanks for finding it..I wonder how it got there>>"
Do you watch The Office? It reminds me of the episode where Dwight is interrogating people about drugs and asks Oscar, "Have you ever pooped balloons?"
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