Monday, December 22, 2008

What the hell has the world come to?

We thought this was a joke at first. But no. It's horrifyingly real.

Men's cologne by Burger King.

Stupid patient quote

Didn't have to wait long! My first patient of the day said this (not joking, either):

"I'm a fitness nut. I exercise at least seven days a week. Sometimes more."

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Starting out

Why am I writing this?

Because my patients drive me NUTS!

Some days I want to stand on the roof of my office and scream “ I HATE MY PATIENTS!!!”.

Okay, I really don’t hate them. But some days I’m so sick of their shenanigans, the stupidity of insurance companies, the moronic behavior of some other healthcare professionals, and just the daily insanity of this field that I am now going to try writing this blog as my gripe forum.

I’m a medical specialist, seeing pretty much anything in my field that walks in the door. Maybe I’m just special, but it seems that I attract some remarkably “special” folks. I have no idea why. I don’t advertise (although my staff often accuses me of handing out flyers in trailer parks).

Either that, or it just seems that weird crap happens to me or my patients. If it seems like I’m laughing at the misfortune of a decent person, I don’t mean it that way. Sometimes things are just funny.

In 10 years of practice I’ve learned that, contrary to popular belief, being trailer trash has nothing to do with money. It’s a state of mind. Either that or a personality disorder.

Maybe I just see things differently. Maybe I really am a magnet to crazy people. Maybe no one really cares.

So since my staff and friends are sick of listening to me, I’m going to start venting online. My stories are true. The names and dates of occurrence have been changed to protect the innocent.

If I entertain you, I’m glad. If I offend you, I’m sorry. I’m not a very politically correct person. I tend to be profane, opinionated, and willing to call it as I see it. I don’t claim to be perfect, or even right. I’m just me.

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