Monday, June 18, 2018


Dr. Grumpy: "Any side effects with the new pill?"

Mr. P: "Only one, it makes my urine smell like something terrible."

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay and what about..."

Mr. P: "I brought some, in case you want to smell it."

Pulls Tupperware container out of bag.


  1. "I can't diagnose anything from the way it smells, you'll need to tell me how it tastes."

  2. Well, when Finlay the dog had colitis II did take a sample of his bloody poo to the veterinarian. She did every fulfil every humanitarians predjudices about veterinary practice by giving him a shot of amoxicillin and methylprednisolone. It did work though...

  3. Sounds like she needs a referral to Dr. Pissy.

  4. It was a sad day for the LMNO family when patriarch P was lost to medical research.

  5. Ummm ~ thanks, but no thanks!

    Welcome back, Dr. G ~

  6. Smelling urine is the lab tech's job.

  7. But how do you know the smell isn't from the Tupperware container?

  8. although i have been eating a lot of asparagus lately...

  9. Daily occurrence in veterinary medicine. What's frightening is the number of clients that want their containers back.

    {Mental note NOT to eat home-made goodies from those clients!}

  10. Eww. One of the tasks assigned to me during pharmacist residency was to go over every single drug at the time and figure out which available warning labels should be properly affixed to the prescription bottle (don't blame me, I was just verifying what had already been stated in USP-DI) and I had the distinct pleasure of being on the receiving end of a diatribe by my preceptor (yes, it was carried out at a higher decibel level than most polite conversation in public) for insisting that USP guidelines stated a particular drug might discolor and affect characteristics of urine while taking such and such drug. She said that it might disturb patients who weren't previously aware. I didn't mention that she wore pointy-toe shoes and cat-eye specs.

  11. Welcome back. Nice to be in an air-conditioned office?

  12. Check off Olfactory Nerve functioning on his exam.

  13. Just don't ask Frank to put the container into the dishwasher -- it ay end up in the fridge

  14. So glad you are back. My readership takes a dive when you are off. I had a new-fangled colonoscopy where they sprayed the inside of my bowel with Methylene Blue. I declined sedation to watch and was rewarded with blue urine-what a colorful day!

  15. my practice is largely women and kids. You can't scare me. I get diapers. I get jars of poop. I get jars of... stuff... unidentified stuff.... one little jar of pee is nothing.

  16. Dear God............


So wadda you think?