Monday, May 28, 2018

That's a wrap, folks

With the school year down to it's final 2 weeks, I'm shutting down the blog until the shouting here is over. Too much band stuff, year-end competitions, parties, and other stuff to deal with, besides my day job.

See you in a few weeks!


  1. It's 92 degrees here in the midwest and the city outdoor pool is open for the summer! (Android devices aren't allowed, anyway.)

    Those band days and early summer memories with teen-agers will be over too soon to fully enjoy while they're happening, and Look Back and Laugh isn't just an 80s hardcore punk band.

    Enjoy some potato salad for me on Memorial Day!

  2. We'll miss you Dr.G, but can't wait to hear the reports of the ensuing chaos!

  3. Best wishes for a "restful" time off.

  4. Waving, bye. We will miss ya.

  5. I'm with Voltaire @2:03 pm; we'll miss you and look forward to your return.

  6. Dear Dr. Grumpy, When you come back, would you please update us on Craig's marching band practice situation? I'd love to know how this turned out!

  7. Ummmm, where does it say in your contract that you may have 10 weeks vacation? Where will I get my morning laugh?
    Enjoy the summer --

  8. Well, has Craig written from Rwanda yet?


So wadda you think?