Friday, August 16, 2013

Patient quote of the day

"We've been trying to get pregnant for a year, but took a break last month to get married."


  1. Glad to see they have their priorities in order.

  2. I hope they don't live in NJ. Worst state to get divorced in. Better to just live together.

  3. "They told us that if we didn't break off, they'd kick us out of the church."

  4. This would be a better story if they were a male gay couple.

  5. Ok? I'm not seeing the issue. Planning a wedding can be very stressful and time consuming, hence the break from attempted baby-making. Does that not make sense to anyone else? Or are people taking issue with trying to have a baby prior to getting married? Because if that's the issue, I have to wonder what century you folks are living in.

  6. Anonymous 2:42 pm: I don't think it's the premarital sex that people are commenting on. It's that the patient makes it sound like she/he is having sex 24/7

  7. Wonder if these are the same folks who wanted the cell phones last November...

  8. Hey, maybe they married at one of those abstinence/commitment churches.

    Some pastors will only preform the ceremony if the couple sign up to a period of abstinence before the wedding. It's supposed to test their commitment, and make the marriage ceremony more meaningful for them.

    Could be worse - my cousin's church won't marry couples who've had pre-marital sex at all. And the relationship has to have lasted a minimum of two years of abstinence, church attendance and bible studies.

  9. Anon 6:44, I don't think she does make it sound like they're having sex 24/7. She makes it sound like they put the baby-making on the back burner and just weren't trying for a while, which is perfectly reasonable. "Planning a wedding can be very stressful and time consuming, hence the break from attempted baby-making."

    There's nothing weird or stupid about what she said. I think sometimes people want to see stupidity where there is none just so they can feel superior.

  10. Anonymous-

    If people think having and raising a child is easier to handle unmarried then they are obviously not ready to be parents. Yes, even if it is the 21st century, it is still the wrong order in which to proceed.

  11. anonymous 2:42, since even in the 21st century, children born to unmarried parents tend to do worse in life (more likely to end up on welfare, more likely to end up in jail, more likely to drop out of school, you get the picture), the order very much matters.

  12. does anyone else recall the old joke about wedding cake and contraception??

  13. Anonymous at 12:45, I would like to know where you got these splendid statistics from.

  14. Anon 8:04 PM, are you saying the entire post is stupid because you didn't read into the comment they way others did? If so, then aren't you the one with the superiority complex?

  15. And on the day they were married, the non-stop sex stopped...cold.

    Tell me I'm wrong.


So wadda you think?