Saturday, August 17, 2013

"I love what you've done with the conning tower!"

While doing some reading about naval battles in the Mediterranean during WWII, I stumbled across this profile of a U-Boat commander.

It was the last line that gave me the giggles.


  1. I wonder if he belongs to the Bauhaus school of thinking?

  2. "These torpedoes are FAAAAAABULOUS!"

  3. "Aye," said the kapitanlieutenant, "from the look in the cabin boy's eye, I'd say we're in for a blow!"

  4. "Hey, sailor...why don't you show me the poop deck?"

    (sorry, that was bad)

  5. Well afterall, he was....

    "In the Navy..."
    You can sail the 7 seas...
    "In the Navy..."

  6. 6 years of war time submarine service, must have been one cool customer. I knew a guy who disarmed bombs in the big one and he was as unflappable as they come.
    Psychiatrist should be studying these guys. We need more of the type and less of the "Reality TV Types"

  7. you'll sing a different tune, if you ever crawl inside one of those WWII submarines on "display" in various docks, parks, etc... real men DO decorate!

  8. I'll bet he was really good at making the most out of tight spaces.

  9. Gotta ask the bubblehead at my house what he thinks of Herr Freiherr.

    My submariner knows how to decorate: he can stash stuff in the smallest of spaces around the house (from years of practice with golf clubs, bowling balls and vinyl LPs on a nuclear sub).

  10. Seriously, Dr. G, have you seen how tiny the interior compartments are on a U-boat? Only a truly dedicated interior decorator can turn all that negative space into one of form and functionality. Frankly, I'm surprised interior decorating wasn't a pre-req for u-boat captains.


So wadda you think?