Sunday, August 18, 2013


Seen at Costco, in adjacent aisles, on August 18, 2013:

Once again, my pleas go unanswered.


  1. Our local grocery store was filing their Halloween aisle this afternoon. How does it feel to be completely ignored by the powers that be?

  2. and Merry Freaking Chrismas to you to Mr. Scrooge!

  3. Oh sweet baby Jesus! Say it ain't so!!!

    I started hyperventilating last year at the first siting (at Walmart - in September).

    Now I KNOW I need to go into hiding until February.......

  4. NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm becoming a hermit!

  5. I so hear you! Our local Hobby Lobby began their Christmas assassination in July by dedicating 12 aisles to decoration, ornaments and junk. I can't stand it! They certainly know how to rush things!!!

  6. What, no Valentine's Day or St. Patrick's?

  7. Grumpy:

    They have fall clothes out in the stores. They spare no one for the holidays (if they think they can make a buck).

    Sometimes I wonder why they don't get those LED lights, leave them up all year round and change the colors they flash to save time and money.

    Like the Sade song, "every day is Christmaas, every night is New Year's Eve." (at least it would be if it were up to those marketing folks).

  8. Saw all this up at Hobby Lobby a few WEEKS ago - in JULY!!!!! Insane!!

  9. Halloween mini cheese balls are the best, better than Easter mini cheese balls. mmmmmm

    There goes the diet.

  10. I'm surprised no one else has commented on this.

    Halloween...CHEESE BALLS? Is this some fancy American version of cheesies or cheese puffs but spherical? Or is this literally...cheese?

  11. I'm pretty sure they're just cheese puffs, packed up in black and orange to give out for Halloween, but yeah, I have no idea why they called them cheese balls instead.

    Cheese balls make my think of something served on a plate with crackers as an hors d'oevres.

  12. I know, I also saw Mickey and Minnie and the chimney at my Costco yesterday and also uttered an expletive along the lines of "Are you effin' KIDDING me?" Except I didn't say "effin'", of course.

  13. It's the Xmas music they've ALREADY started playing that drives me nucking futs!!

  14. Christmas should come every four years like leap year. The feast day remains on Dec. 25.

  15. What? No Halloween pretzels?

    The Food Police at Bubba's school will never let the kids eat cheesy balls. (only healthy snacks...vomit!)

    The nerve of some people!

  16. "...I leave my Christmas lights on - on my front porch - all year long..."

    It's the redneck thang ta do, ya know.

  17. We were in Sears last Saturday to buy a new lawn mower to replace the 15yo mower that someone stole from our shed (as well as stopping at the hardware store on the way home for some chain to use in locking the shed) and didn't see anything yet.

    My husband works there, and gets annoyed at me when I want to decorate the house for Christmas, because he's sick of Christmas by Thanksgiving. Given that my idea of decorating these years is a small tree, one or two poinsettias, and a door wreath, I ignore him.

  18. Didn't you know that along with the classic oldies like "Summer in the City", "See You in Sept", "Up On the Roof", "Under the Boardwalk", and anything by the Beachboys, DJs are now adding "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" to their favorite summer songs play list? Tricia

  19. Well, it could have been worse - if only they called them artisanal cheese balls or an artisanal snowman and reindeer.

    I guess we have to wait until September for those.

  20. Holy crap. I AM a hermit.


  21. I thought of you when I saw the trees etc at my local Costco.


So wadda you think?