Monday, May 13, 2013

Is this the Turing Test?

Snowball recently got some shots and had a tooth pulled, so spent a few hours at the veterinarian. That evening I noticed they had our phone number wrong on the bill, so called the next morning to correct it.

Phone Girl: "Local Animal Hospital, I..."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hi, this is Ibee Grumpy, and..."

Phone Girl: "I'd like to wish you a very happy National Hug-Your-Cat-Day this month!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, I picked up Snowball yesterday, and realized you have our contact info wrong."

Phone Girl: "Did you know National Hug-Your-Cat-Day is this month? Cats do so many wonderful things for us, that it's important to take care of their heath, too!"

Dr. Grumpy: "I don't have a cat. I'm just calling about an error..."

Phone Girl: "Well, now would be the perfect time to consider getting one! We have 3 cats looking for loving homes here, and several animal shelters we're working with for National Hug-Your-Cat-Day are running offers to help you enjoy them!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Look, I don't want a cat. I just need to give you our correct phone number."

Phone Girl: "Cats are wonderful companions! I'm sure if you came over and met some of the adorable ones available for National Hug-Your-Cat-Day you would..."

Dr. Grumpy: "What time do you work to?"

Phone Girl: "I'm here until noon, but National Hug..."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'll just call back later."


  1. This doc needs a Mary.

    And considering how much you like cats, you must have been really freaked out.

  2. This vet needs a Mary. Grumpy has her so he/she can't.

    Considering how much you like cats . . .

  3. Maybe you should be glad they don't have your number-then they can't call you all the time soliciting donations for "hug your cat day" or "take your cat to work day" or whatever other worthy cause they are seeking money for.

  4. She is obviously a cat lady and we all know about cat ladies.

  5. "Maybe you're tired of eating the same old things for dinner all the time."

  6. It's also Pet Your Alligator Day here in north Florida.

  7. Would it be better If it were pet your monkey day?

  8. Dr. Grumpy, it is obvious that you need a cat, so that you too can participate in national Hug your Cat Day, period end.

    Now go grab Marie, and you and your daughter hoof it to your local animal shelter and select a sweet kitten or elderly cat.

    You are very welcome. Your dogs had better have some excellent cat manners as well.

    Packer, we prefer cat women to cat ladies.

  9. Phone girl was probably a young worker who was told to promote hug a cat month or whatever it was. Being an inexperienced receptionist, she was going to stick to what she was told to do. The real problem is the person who instructed the office workers to actively promote cat month.

    Yes, the vet needs a "Mary" to get everybody in line and to make sure customer service comes first.

  10. Reading this compelled me to google the holiday and find out which day I should be loving on my four feline overlords. It turns out it isn't until June 4th.

    Whew! I have time. [/sarcasm]

  11. I am a cat lady, and I'd be annoyed if the vet's office answered the phone that way. Besides, if I hugged one of my older cats, she'd turn into the Whirlwind of Death.

  12. I'm a vet tech at a small animal practice, and I would be annoyed if our receptionist answered phones this way. Maybe a discreet hint to the owner is in order about appropriate use of phone scripts?

  13. Hey, wouldja knock it off? I'm into mice and gerbils and baby birds, and I just don't think there should be cats in this world. Okay?

  14. Just saw this ....

    ....wanted to share the love.



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