Friday, December 21, 2012

Today's featured gift #2

Now this one I kind of like. Because a leading problem of the modern workplace is the dreaded lunchroom thief. This drove Mrs. Grumpy nuts, as no matter how brightly she wrote her name on an item, it would still disappear before she had a chance to touch it.

But now, you can get this awesome lunchbox:

This great lunchbox is just perfect for any workplace, or the ax murderer on your list. Mary and I use hers to hide body parts after I've finally snapped at a patient on their 5th consecutive visit who hasn't yet started the medication I prescribed, but is still complaining that they aren't any better.


  1. I wonder if I can get one in time for Christmas? I agree, it's a hoot!

  2. I do not think it would have stopped lunch theives in my former office ... But then journalists are (ahem) strange.

  3. Can you buy a pair of jeans with that written on the fly?

  4. I found that labeling it as human milk is also effective (and in today's workplace - quite plausible!)

  5. The bio teachers at the highschool where I worked kept finding soda missing from their office fridge overnight. They finally put a sign on the outsidesaying "Danger, Hazardous Bio-Waste, not suitable for food storage." I guess it says something about our night cleaning crew that they fell for it and the pilfering stopped.

  6. my mother was a nurse on the transplant team. we had lots of coolers *unused* that had in big red letters like your lunch bag
    Mom was a pack rat. But these were pretty cool.

  7. Bwahahahaha.

    As another commenter pointed out, human milk is not uncommon. I used to pump at work for my daughter, but I kept the milk in a cooler at my desk. The dish soap I used to clean my pump was in the kitchen though, and was constantly being used up (think a bottle a week) and not replaced. Writing my name and/or requests to please not use on the bottle were useless.

    After several weeks of this, I brought in a bottle with "Breast Pump Cleaning Solution" written across the label in sharpie marker.

    Lasted for months....


So wadda you think?