Friday, December 21, 2012

Today's featured gift #1

Today wraps up the 2012 Grumpy gift guide, with the following 2 items. I hope you've enjoyed it! If you see anything out there that catches your eye, please send it in and I'll consider it for next year.

 This gadget is advertised for training dogs.

Looking at it I can't help but think that if someone tied a rope around my, uh, boy parts down there, I'd be pretty "calm and orderly," too.


  1. Ah the 50 Shades of Gray Leash.

    Now for the serious stuff-no really
    Midnight products parachute cord thin training collar. I am a dog guy, I walk the dog 35+ miles per week, I thank my son for picking a breed that needs extensive exercise. it is his dog. If he pulled he would wreck my knees , ankles , back. Pulling dogs do that to people. The dog training we took early on trained me well.

  2. When I look at the smaller picture on the right, I have to ask: who's tugging and pulling on whom?

  3. Looking at it I can't help but think that if someone tied a rope around my, uh, boy parts down there, I'd be pretty "calm and orderly," too

    - Isn't there an app for that?

  4. And now you know what Mrs Grumpy is getting.


  5. Those of us in the bonzo (bondage+zoophilia) community are really excited about this, but is there also something for humans who like to be the bottom?

  6. So what's the excuse for female dogs?

  7. It works for all dogs. You don't need a special leash. A half hitch will do.


So wadda you think?