Thursday, April 12, 2012

Medical humor

Knock knock
Who's there?
HIPAA who?
I can't tell you that.

Thank you, Webhill!


  1. Ouch, I laughed then sighed cause it's just to close to the truth

  2. Oh God, I work in customer service for a major health insurer. I am going to bother all my coworkers with this tomorrow.

  3. I'm stupid, I don't get it. :-\

  4. You can bet that I will make sure that makes the rounds in my hospital today! Love it!

  5. That is also going to circulate at my law firm (we still run into issues with HIPPA in worker's comp, despite how many decades to work out the kinks?).

  6. I so miss the days we could pin up select names of frequent flyers, and share the information across town!

  7. Laura - you are lucky you don't :)

    One of my first encounters with HIPAA was when I was volunteering at the hospital during high school . . . the retired lawyer who was training me asked me at the end of my first day if I had any questions, and I asked him what HIPAA stood for. He didn't know :)

  8. I'm the administrator of my department. I sent this to a bunch of people. One of the frzzled ones just saw "HIPAA" and came in and asked me what had happened with HIPAA - when I told her she said that since I often make gentle jokes in my announcements to the department (to get their attention) that she thought it was a serious warning.

    Our Nigerian doctor called me up completely freaked out. He's never heard of knock-knock jokes.


So wadda you think?