Friday, April 13, 2012

Do they pay you by the word?

Last night I was looking through a hospital chart, and discovered this in another neurologist's note.

"The patient has had an electrical dysfunction of the cortex, resulting in abnormal neuronal discharges. The resultant signal propagation caused generalized tonic-clonic muscular activity."

Dr. Grumpy's translation: "He had a seizure."


  1. I can abide neither hyposyllablification nor extra redundant words.

  2. If you cannot use big words, then why go to medical school for four years and do a residency for another four. Otherwise he has a knack for politics since that requires complicating the trivial and simplifying the complex.

  3. word

    Seriously, you'd think he had too much time on his hands.

    Note to wordy neuro-sometimes less really is more.

  4. He must be one of the best five neurologists in town.

  5. I think he must have been one of the 5 good neurologist in Grumpytown

  6. Maybe the extra billable hours spent dictating all this words are like a little bonus every month.

  7. do you treat "abnormal neuronal discharges' with antibiotics?

  8. Ah, the old "stretch out a high school term paper" trick. How big were the margins?

  9. I guess you just have to keep practicing jargon or you'll lose the ability.

  10. I wonder if he just got plain fed up with all the bureaucratic mumble jumble that you have to deal with, and decided to do a little mumbling-jumbling of his own.

  11. mary beth- i use kleenex

  12. As a transcriptionist, I would love to transcribe for this doctor. Then maybe I could finally get that yacht....

  13. Seems more likely to me that the doc was the one who had the seizure.

  14. Janine, you'd be able to get a big yacht, not like the little ones poor people have.

  15. ...
    Oh! eLECTRICAL dysfunction. Thought that was an 'r'. That makes much more sense.

  16. i gave up studying to be a teacher coz i can't make up incredibly redundant sentances like that. graphic design on the other hand preferes a picture over useless words... O.o


So wadda you think?