Thursday, April 12, 2012

The country club life

Dr. Grumpy: "When did the symptoms start?"

Mrs. Howell: "We were at a party, on our friend's yacht. It's a big yacht, not like the little ones poor people have, and I went to lay down, when..."


  1. Well, she could lie down in my canoe...if I weren't so poor that I don't even have a canoe.

  2. That awkward moment when I realize I can't even afford a row boat

  3. So Dr. Grumpy.

    Tell us about your yacht!

  4. Reminds me of my husband's niece who talked about a chalet on a trailer park in the UK: "where poor people have their holidays". No darlin' - poor people don't have ANY holidays. Grrrr!

  5. I only have one of those poor people yachts, which is probably imaginairy

  6. Motor or Sail ???

    Little known, you buy a boat with a galley (cook stove) and a Head (porta potty) and you can write off the loan interest as a second home. Yup the freaking tax code is really screwed up. That is why we have Mrs. Howells.

  7. Well exuuuuuuuse me! PFH!

  8. "A rising tide lifts all big yachts."

  9. I had a 44ft yacht, well, it kind of belonged to me, I pay taxes, I was in the Coast Guard and I worked on it...

    Ya, whatever.

    Douches, rich or poor are still....douches.

  10. I have a yacht too! I play with it in the bath tub every night!

  11. Gee, I wish I could be poor and have a yacht. In our area, the poor folks with the food stamps don't have yachts. They have Cadillac Escalades with gold trim and spinner wheels instead.

  12. Aw, no love for your yacht owner patient!

    Did she happen to injure herself falling off one of her polo ponies? Just curious.

  13. My little yacht lives in my bathtub.

  14. Ooh! I thought of a better one:

    Grump -- I had no idea that you had Ann Romney as a patient! You must be quite a neurologist.



  15. Reminds me of Hyacinth Bucket of "Keeping Up Appearances" on PBS, who is fond of being important by talking about her sister: "The one with the Mercedes, sauna, and room for a pony."

  16. Diagnose her with seasickness and tell her she will have to sell the yacht!

  17. Are you sure that it wasn't a cnadlelight supper on Hyacinth Bucket's(pronounced Bou-queeey)sister's yacht, Violet, you know, the one with the Mercedes, sauna, and room for a pony?

  18. It kind of reminds me of all of the TV and movie producers. Whenever they portray "poor" people they are always living in a big mansion of a house and have all of the amenities. The last poor person I remember that was accurately portrayed on TV was Fred Sanford.

    Also, have you noticed that whenever anyone on TV or in a movie flies anywhere, they are almost always in first class.

  19. Roy, the Fred Sanford comment just made me spit my coffee out. Awesome comment, and so true.


So wadda you think?