Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Great Moments in Crime

"Gee, how did you guys catch me so fast?"

Thank you, Ed!


  1. It's actually quite sad. Only 2-3 customers visit a Radio Shack in a given year, and look what happens.

  2. What are the odds that he'd steal the one Radio Shack GPS unit that actually works?

  3. Wow, what an @$$. And nice mugshot too!

  4. Reminds me of a recent NYC story, wherein the stolen phone was geolocated. The cops swarmed in,but one of the detectives called the miscreant from 2 feet away and when he answered informed him via phone, You are under arrest, they also filmed it from other phones.

  5. Reminds me of the guy who tried to tell me he wasn't the wanted felon we were looking for. Unfortunately for him, he had his very unusual last name tattooed on his neck. In law enforcement, we call that a "clue".

  6. This reminds me of a guy I worked with in CVS years ago. He stole some customer's credit card, and then when he left for the day, went into the Circuit City and bought a huge TV with it. Needless to say, he was caught. What.A.Dumbass.

  7. Just goes to prove, it takes no brainiac to a)get pregnant or impregnate someone or b) be a criminal.

  8. Reminds me of Hyacinth Bucket of "Keeping Up Appearances" on PBS, who is fond of being important by talking about her sister: "The one with the Mercedes, sauna, and room for a pony."

  9. My sister Violet. ..... Did we ever see Violet. We saw Hyacinth, Rose, and Daisy, but I don't think we ever saw my sister Violet.

  10. Violet appeared in some of the later episodes.


So wadda you think?