Thursday, September 1, 2011

Don't we all

Dr. Grumpy: "Any major illnesses run in your family?"

Mr. Son: "Yeah, both my parents lived until they died."


  1. I plan on living, no I mean really living , until I die.

  2. Life is a sexually transmitted disease.

  3. that's a very common inherited illness.

  4. So death is basically what killed them?

  5. You can't argue with that.

  6. Ha. I work in a doctors office (not neuro, worse, with sinus patients) and we have patients fill out a general health questionair when they come in. There is a section about family history and a place to list your parents age if alive and a seperate one if they are deceased. Typically, patients only fill out one box or the other, but a recent one filled in her parents age in the first box, and then wrote "don't know yet" in the other one.

  7. Ginger, those forms are just begging for self expression.
    Under "Sex" I usually write:
    "Sure, your place or mine?"
    Being a geezer I often get away with it.

  8. Anon 8:17: Perfect answer! Because if the form were correctly worded to ask for gender, you couldn't get away with that answer.

  9. @Anon- Yes, I get lots of "jokes" written in as well, but they are never as funny as the unintentional errors patients write. My all time favorite was a man who wrote under "History of present illness" that he had had "multiple autopsies".


So wadda you think?