Thursday, September 1, 2011

Definitely not my field

Dr. Grumpy: "Do you have a copy of your most recent labs?"

Mrs. Whiskers: "Yes, here they are" (pulls papers out of purse, hands them to me).

Her lab values were all abnormal, but the normal ranges listed weren't what I'm used to, either. None of them made sense. I was trying to figure this out when I noticed the patient information in the upper corner:

Name: Sparkles
Age: 5 Y, 3 M
Species: Feline

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, I think these are your cat's labs."

Mrs. Whiskers: "Oh, hang on. I have mine here, somewhere..." (starts digging in purse).


  1. Perhaps you should partner with a vet for one-stop shopping. This lady was PREPARED!

  2. Drug Hx: Extensive catnip abuse.

  3. Seriously, are you making this stuff up?!

  4. I think it a good thing that you paws just a whisker before making the purrfect diagnosis or we would be hearing another tail.

  5. Packer, that pun was terrible. Cut that out right meow.

  6. I did a med review on a pt with Alzheimer's who didn't realize she was also taking Fluffy's meds in with her regular meds.

  7. What a CATastrophe this could have turned out to be.

  8. She had something wrong with her pussy? ;-)

  9. Thank you for the laugh. I really need that. :^D

  10. Thanks Ole Phat Stu...I really did LOL!

  11. Well don't keep the veterinarians among your readers in suspense!! What were the cat's labs?

  12. Ole Phat Stu, you owe me a new keyboard. I just snorked my coffee all over it...ouch.

  13. what radiologic study did you order?

  14. I had a 4 AM call at the 24 hr pharmacy from a concerned night shift worker on her first night off in 10 night shifts asking me what might happen as she inadvertently took her dog's potassium chloride by mistake. She said she'd gotten the pill out of the bottle and without thinking popped it in her mouth... . Yes, a body can be that tired. I assured her that no matter the dose, if she was in good health and her kidneys were working correctly she might drink several cups of water before going to sleep, and put the dog outside or somewhere where she wouldn't have to get up for at least eight hours to let the dog out.

  15. You have the cat scan. Ready for the lab test? (rimshot)

  16. do they look like these CAT Scan results?

  17. I've had someone produce really old labs, which throw you pretty hard at first, but I've never gotten wrong species. That's a Grumpy trademark case right there.

  18. I kinda hope "Sparkles" dies, because he's a cat...and I am a bird.

  19. Anonymous @3:05. Yo! Dude!
    I've heard of owners growing to be like their pets, but this is the cat's whiskers!


So wadda you think?