Thursday, April 21, 2011

Today's criminal tip

Look, if you're going to rob a convenience store, IT IS NOT recommended that you hand over a note with your name written on it.

Especially if it's paperwork pertaining to your previous encounters with the law.

Like this guy.


  1. It would seem yon chump probably skipped Deep Thinking 101 during puberty. I am seldom left agog at such incidents but they give me comfort on bad 'cognitive memory' days that I haven't lost it all yet. :)

  2. The last place you want to be with a name like Bruce Manlove is ....?

  3. Yeah, I think he'll be getting a lot of "manlove" soon.

  4. It seems that in the race for the lowest IQ this guy just took first place!

  5. Hi. I'm here to rob you. Here's my CV.

  6. Offer this guy a 100 dollars if he kills himself.


So wadda you think?