Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random pictures

Due to trouble waking up today, I simply present a pair of pictures.

The first was sent by a reader who says he took this one of a store somewhere on the Iberian peninsula (obviously, he violated their "no pictures" policy, as seen in the bottom left corner).

The second is from a reader who says she was taking an online survey about grocery shopping, and discovered this multiple choice question.

(click to enlarge)


  1. I'd have to say "honesty" is the theme of both pics.

  2. That is in Barcelona in Spain. I walked past it several times. They sell candy. :)

  3. This is their website:

  4. There is a very similar store here in Victoria, that is trying to mimic some of the European stores (Victoria is big on that sort of stuff).

    It's called "Candy Cures", I think, and it looks almost identical.

  5. And the survey is "anonymous" Riiiiight.

  6. I'm surprised the survey does not include the option : Eat Less.

    But I suppose that's unlikely in USA ;-)

  7. Good for a laugh tho. Wonder if I can get away with theft at my local food store !~!

  8. I visited the store in the upper picture in Barcelona, Spain. It was a candy store.

  9. Hah, I never use my customer loyalty card! I get it.

  10. She marked the loyalty card and it still wants her to answer the question--does this mean the loyalty cards don't save you money? <G>

  11. Yes, Happy Pills is a cute little candy shop.

  12. I would totally shop at Happy Pills. Love the sardonic intent. But does everyone in Spain speak enough English to get it?

  13. I vote for theft.

  14. What is Woman Infant Children? Does this mean the woman shops while the kids shoplift? Or does it mean the mother looks harassed and tired until the store owner takes pity on her and gives her a discount?

  15. OTHER???? What is left? Some-dood
    actually took it? Also, is there
    really someone out there that did not use the first few options? Even my kids, when tweens, used the store discount card! More money for smokes/booze!! HEHEHE
    (found out much later !

    WV colowl .. new drug just approved to get men out of the 'library'!

  16. Anon- "Woman Infant Children" is poverty assistance program.

  17. I've also been to Happy Pills in Barcelona. Their candy is so expensive, though, that I only bought a jar once, and now I refill it, generally with m&m's.


So wadda you think?