Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sociology 101

Yesterday we took the kids to Local Family Fun Place. As I watched them on a ride, two mid-teen girls went by, and I got to witness this:

First girl: (aggressively picking nose): "I don't like this place. We never meet any cute guys here."

Second girl: "Yeah. I wonder if we'd have more luck at the arcade. BURP!"

First girl: (eats booger) "We'll go there next time."


  1. I do know why my 19 yo is still completely single.

  2. A mid teen girl picking her nose will in no way put off a mid teen guy. You know that it's true.

  3. maybe she was hungry :p

  4. Time for another "artisanal" comment?

    --Queen Anne's Lace

  5. at least they were out in the real world, having a real conversation, looking for real people.

  6. If the 2 of them were well enough endowed, the cute guys at the arcade (do cute guys go to arcades?) would have been willing to put up with burping and nose picking!

  7. Well, at least their parents have nothing to worry about for now...

  8. Anonymous at 11:19 am is very wise.

  9. Charming. Makes me wonder who their role models are. . .

  10. You really DO meet all the special people, don't you?

  11. I once was walking along behind a boy who looked about 14, and he was complaining bitterly to his friends about how he needed to meet some "bitches" and why couldn't he find himself a "bitch" and why don't any "bitches" like him. And I was thinking, Wow, I have a simple tweak to your approach that will pay off big time!

  12. This one is only 11 years old, but I DO want to go back to my own century.

  13. Readallaboutit:
    Grumpy Grasses On Gross Gals!
    (Bet they were fat too)

    WV: gyref
    A minor change would create a totally appropriate epithet?
    i.e. 'guyref'
    Suspect that many male chauvinists similar to self like to see cute chicks around ;-)

  14. Picking your nose can clear your airways and alleviate itching or discomfit, and eating it is actually good for your immune system. This doesn't, of course, make it attractive to watch.

  15. So why are so many men attracted to that age group? Some are even willing to risk jail?

  16. Agree with @Mother HEHEHEHE!

    NOTHING will stop a tween from the
    same mission as his older 'brothers' in the standard:
    'Man, by closing, she will look pretty damn hot!!'. Sad, but I have learned this axom is very true! NO, not from experience! At least not personnal. From my now grown son and his friends when they were tweens and it was assumed I was deaf or SO out of date that they assumed I would not know what they were talking about.

  17. Did Frank and Craig take notes at this sociology 101 class?

  18. CliffinTokyo, why do we have to assume they are fat?

    I know some overweight people who have the best manners and some average weight people who act like pigs.


So wadda you think?