Friday, November 12, 2010

Oh, for crying out loud!

Mr. Teevee: "I also want an ultrasound."

Dr. Grumpy: "Why do you want an ultrasound?"

Mr. Teevee: "I once saw it featured on the news for something."


  1. My reply to Mr Teevee: Then go pay for it out of pocket via one of those screening places. And while you're at it, why don't you get a full body CT scan too? Then call the advertisers to explain the results to you.

    (PS One of the better grand rounds I ever attended was when endoscopic ultrasound was newer technology. The GI attending presented 2 cases where pts had paid out of pocket for full body CTs. Each had a pancreatic mass. Both had EUS bx by the GI doc - path inconclusive but suspicious, both had surgery. One had mucinous pancreatic CA and was cured by their surgery. The other ended up having a Whipple for a benign pancreatic mass!)


  2. u/s is today's special if you order an L-S MRI; two parts spine and the u/s is gratis.

  3. Tell him he'll need a trans-rectal ultrasound.

    that'll shut him up quick I'm sure...

  4. He wanted an ultrasound? Man, I would have asked for an fMRI, way more cool lol... ultrasound is so last century...

  5. "So where do you keep the beta capsule?"

  6. If he gets one, I want one too!!

    Is it just me, or does this kind of remind you of kids on Saturday morning? All those toys look so cool on TV, but it's a bummer when you find out the little plastic unicorn can't REALLY fly around the room.

  7. "Because I watch Grey's Anatomy, that's why!" Haha.

  8. Pity you can't find a reason to send him for an obstetric ultrasound. Having to drink a litre of water an hour in advance, then being made more to wait for well over an hour before getting examined, then being told there was TOO MUCH urine in my bladder and to let just some of it go, while making sure to still have a fairly full bladder when I got back from the lavatory, has left me regarding the word 'ultrasound' as synonymous with 'great discomfort'.

  9. Did you order an amygdala sono to r/o Kluver Bucy Syndrome?

  10. Send her for a uterine ultrasound and make her sit there for a few hours with a full bladder. That'll teach her.

  11. I would want a head CT. To see if there's anything IN there.

  12. Yes, the ultrasound please........also an ABC, DDT, an endoscopy, a rectal exam and anything else that is covered by my insurance. Make those suckers pay!!!That'll serve them right!!!

  13. Swami Dil, you forgot a gastro-enteric lavage.


So wadda you think?