Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Okay. Here's a guy who had cocaine in his pocket.

He walked up to a freakin' police car, and asked the cops for a ride!

When they asked if he had any illegal drugs on him, he gave them a "Yes, uh, I mean no."

And then he was willing to let them search him.

Dude. You're an idiot.

Here's the complete story.


  1. I once went on a call to a possible domestic disturbance. When I knocked on the apartment door, a guy came out of the apartment across the hall. Without a word, he handed my partner a dope pipe. Later, on the way to jail, we asked him what he was thinking, given that we weren't even knocking on his door. He said he thought we were looking for him, and he decided to just give himself up. You just can't make this stuff up.

  2. Some kind of subconscious cry for help?

  3. Perhaps he was looking for 3 hots and a cot?

  4. Sounds like a candidate for a Darwin Award to me.

  5. Maybe he was "under the influence?"

  6. I remember a news item from about 25 years ago in which a guy came home and found that the dope plants in his back garden had been stolen, so he called the police...

  7. Had a coworker who called 911 to get the phone number for the pizza delivery place - and hung up when she realized she had called the cops. Dispatch called back to see if she was OK - she wouldn't answer the phone. So, cruiser went out. She answered door, explained she had meant to call 411 to get the phone number cuz she had the munchies real bad! Cop asked if he could come in and look around - she said OK - and got arrested for possession w/ intent to distribute! Pot does not improve your decision making skills, that's for sure.

  8. For the record: I don't use drugs, never have. However, back in 1997 I had a POS car that leaked gas. I was unable to put more than $2.00 worth of gas into the tank at one time without a large mess. One day, I wasn't paying attention, and accidentally put $3.00 worth of gas in my car, (which, to set the scene, was a yellow Subaru with Grateful Dead stickers all over it). Anyway, I went home, it was late, I went to bed. My apartment was on the first floor and my bedroom faced the parking lot. Around 2am (and I had to be at work at 7) I was woken up by a rumbling sound. Turned out it was a large fire truck. Then I heard the banging on my door. I answered the door and there stood 2 firefighters and a neighbor. The firefighters informed me that my car was leaking gas and they wanted to know if I had a pot to put under it (which, thinking about it, is probably not very safe!). Remember, it was 2am and I had just been woken out of a sound sleep. My reply was 'Pot? I don't have any pot, try the people upstairs.'.

    Whew! Good thing I really didn't have any pot! I was totally sober when this alcohol, no drugs, just really tired.


So wadda you think?