Saturday, May 8, 2010

Why I'm a neurologist, Reason #27

Because if someone ever decides to make a statue of my greatness, I REALLY don't want it to look like this:

Thank you to my reader Mark, for sending this in.


  1. I'll bite: Who is being honored with that statue, and is he really trying to get a stool sample?

  2. Grumpy:

    What a riot! Now if it were a rehab nurse, the kid would be in a wheelchair aiming at the bucket.

  3. Oh come on...give us the deets on this photo!

  4. I have no idea, gang. If any of you know where this is, or who it's honoring, feel free to tell the rest of us.

  5. The buildings in the background are all wrong, but, just based on the subject matter, it could be in Haifa.

  6. Apparently, it's in the Philippines:

  7. All I could find in Google was that this is located in Marikina City, Philippines...not able to find any further details yet...

  8. ewwwwwwww. wtf?!

  9. What the...?

    That is just so wrong. For so many reasons.

  10. Here's what I found...

    The unusual stone monument of a doctor standing 16 feet tall, washing the behind of a half-naked boy atop a toilet bowl, heralds a city’s successful sanitation and hygiene programs.The monument in front of the Palengke ng Marikina near city hall depicts the likeness of Dr. Isaac Eustaquio, the first Filipino to earn a Public Health degree from Harvard University in the United States.

  11. Looks as if it should be titled "Preparing for Colonoscopy".

  12. Poor Dr. Isaac Eutaquio! I saved hundreds of thousands of children's lives with my revolutionary sanitation program and all I got was this embarrassing statue!

  13. please see:,_Marinika-200.html

    btw, where are your reasons #1 - #26? :p

  14. I've always pictured a Dr. Grumpy statue to be an image of a guy holding a golf club in mid-swing, with a brain on a golf tee in front of him.

  15. Imagine if they had made it a fountain O_o

  16. All I can figure is it must be cultural? I dunno, THAT is one strange tribute.

  17. I initially thought it was a priest - slightly more disturbing... Really couldn't figure out why anyone would build a statue of THAT!

  18. Why oh why couldn't they have depicted him just washing his hands?

    That would have been much more helpful, not to mention a tad more tasteful.....

  19. JoAnna, it would not be a brain on the tee, it'd be an ER doc with STAT tattooed on his scalp :D

  20. Hey, whoever does this for a living (LIKE THAT) DESERVES to have at LEAST a statue honoring him!! LOL!!!

  21. That's a poor-man's bidet there. He's washing the kid's behind, not catching what's coming out. In the Philippines they don't have running water for toilets, and often no money for toilet paper, so they wash themselves with ladles or pails drawn from buckets of water carried up from the well.


So wadda you think?