Friday, May 7, 2010

Skool Nerse Time

This is Mrs. Grumpy.

Kid: "Nurse, I feel dizzy."

Nurse Grumpy: "When did this start?"

Kid: "A minute ago on the playground. It's better now. I'm not dizzy, 'cause it's gone. But I feel like I might get dizzy again, at any second."

Nurse Grumpy: "What were you doing when this started?"

Kid: "Me and Jamie were spinning around, to make ourselves dizzy."


  1. Mrs Grumpy - Happy Nurse's Day and Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Wow, I wonder why he was dizzy then? Sounds like a future Dr. Grumpy patient....

  3. But then he realized it was a SCARY dizzy so he had to come see then, the scary had worn off. Wanna bet he tried again? Kids!!

  4. How old was this kid?

  5. I like the part where it might return, at any second!!!

  6. It's all due to Global Dizziness (TM)

  7. That kid is going to grow up and be the guy that goes to emerg after smoking pot because he feels "stoned".

    Some trajectories are just too predictable.

  8. Possibly the most important question when taking a medical history: "What were you doing when this started?" Good for you, Mrs. G, for getting to the bottom of this! Some provider out there might have wasted resources on a workup! I hope you gave him the right prescription: Rx - sig - don't do that.


So wadda you think?