Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday morning, 12:45 a.m.

Tap tap tap

Dr. Grumpy: "Hmmm."

Tap tap tap

Dr. Grumpy: "Mmm... Frank, what do you need?"

Frank: "Dad, can I turn on your lamp? I want to show you something."

Dr. Grumpy: "It's the middle of night. What do you..."


Dr. Grumpy: "Holy crap, Frank! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR HEAD?!!"

Frank: "I gave myself a haircut!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, yes. Why on Earth did you do that?"

Frank: "I couldn't sleep."


  1. Oh, wait until Mrs. Grumpy sees it. No one's going to sleep!

  2. LOL
    You'll look back on this and laugh. Kids are great! They do the stupidest stuff, and we love them anyway :D

  3. Ha! My sister and I played "beauty parlor" once and she cut one side of my hair really short and left the other side long. I remember waking my mom up from a nap to show her...needless to say, she was "not a very happy mommy"...

  4. It's not so much that he gave himself a haircut, because most kids do that at some point, but why in earth at midnight? Who gets up and says, HEY, think I'll starting cutting my hair off? (Besides Britney Spears, of course). I'm dying laughing - I love where he turned the lamp on, which I'm assuming is RIGHT NEXT to your head......

  5. I couldn't sleep last night so I ended up cleaning oil stains off of the floor of my garage.

  6. This had me giggling into my coffee. It sounds like something my son would have done before he had a computer in his room. Now he can just play chess or a war game until he's sleepy again.

    Although, in my house, it was my daughter who got bored and it was during the middle of the day that she cut her hair. I'm still debating whether or not I'm glad they're teenagers.

  7. I think I can beat that from an 8 year old back in the MS-DOS days: "Daddy, I don't quite understand the FDISK command...."

  8. Hopefully you take a picture of him, because this is the kind of stuff that will make you laugh your ass off down the road.

  9. My late brother Jonathan started with the early Apples. My mother tells the story about him as an 11 year old in the sea of adults at a workshop. A question was raised and everyone was silent. Jonathan waited, and waited, and finally raised his hand to give the correct answer.

    He used to pick my bedroom lock when he was two and steal my miniatures. Then he'd hide them in the bottom of his toy chest. ::rolls eyes::

  10. Meh, it's just hair. It'll grow back. Until then give the kid a buzz cut or something.

    A long time ago a friend of mine, who had a toddler, thought it would be cute to make his Mac play a Sesame Street soundbyte when he emptied the trash. He didn't know the toddler knew how to turn on the computer until one 3 am when he woke up to hearing "I Love Trash!" over and over. Needless to say he had to go find the install disks...

  11. PICTURE!!! At least of the back of his head if you don't want to reveal his identity to the world.

  12. At least with boys when they do that you can just buzz it all off if you need to.

  13. Well, huh. What do you say to that? Guess it's better than not being able to sleep and cutting someone else's hair.

  14. I was at a party last night and while being nice to Somebody Else's Kid, she showed me two computer programs where you could play beauty parlor and give haircuts to the beauties. I can see where cut-my-own-hair ideas come from...her results were quite cute. Might give a kid a false sense of hairstyling prowess.

  15. Do you ever sleep dude?! Is the time of your posting the a fairly regular day in your profession?
    Go Frank (-: Lets hope he's that keen to show you his spring break tatoo..

  16. I laughed out loud. Then I remembered how I've cut my hair when I'm bored, and I have a few years on your kid...

  17. Oldest in a large family of sibling (eight of us kids...and we could do 'percents', i.e. given an evenly divided blueberry pie if Susie and Terry eat their share, how much is left?), so went through the personal haircut phase from several different angles. Like when Tommy wanted to trim his and Jimmy's hair, etc. It's way before Dr. G's time, but there was a popular song (maybe about the same time as lime in the cocoanut, to the effect of placing small objects in one's body cavities (beans in your ears?)--so little sister immediately tried out the pebbles in her nose routine, which required a trip to ol' Doc Watkins, 2+ days later when snuffled breathing, pain, and an awful stench interfered with life.

    Dr. G, you and the missus just enjoy yourselves, and get some sleep right now, if you can....

  18. haha Moose, you made me laugh out loud!!

  19. Once my sister, Ithink she was 4, cut off all of her bangs at the scalp and put a container of crisco in her hair! Hahahaha! My mom cried! Hahaha!

  20. My 6 yr old daughter did this a month ago....6am though, not midnight....Her hair grows slower than molasses.

  21. My DD did that when she was 3 years old. Blond hair all over the hallway carpet...

    Very Mad Mommy.

    Now it's just a funny story.

  22. Mine did that when she was five. Happy mom here - she'd had long "princess" hair that she could not keep untangled nor would she tolerate me brushing it, wouldn't let me cut it.

    She gave herself a VERY cute pageboy with longer points near the face that just needed a little trimming on the back - lots of compliments at school with the undercurrent of "she finally did something about that poor little girl's hair."

  23. You're wonderful, Dr. G. and the storytelling outrageously funny.

    When my older son trimmed his hair at 4-5, he trimmed his eyebrows, and those took a long time to grow back. But, when the younger son took care of his personally expressive hairstyle at age 3, 16 yrs later, he went for the eyelashes (and, they were such lovely lashes for a little boy). His pediatrician was horrified.

  24. @Anon 10:13 -

    My mommy said not to put beans in my ears
    Beans in my ears, beans in my ears...

    Now why would I go and put beans in my ears?
    Beans in my ears, beans in my ears...

    You can't hear the teacher with beans in your ears
    Beans in your ears, beans in your ears...

    It's by the Serendipity Singers; there's a record of it in Youtube.

  25. Thanks, S. Going to check out 'beans in my ears'. Ha. '...all grown-ups have beans in their ears, beans in their ears, beans in their ears. (1963?' Ugh oh. That long ago?

  26. Could be worse. Imagine being the parents of these two:

    YIKES! How do you clean up that?


So wadda you think?