Friday, November 20, 2009

Why Did You Decide To Become a Neurologist?

I get that question a lot, people wondering why I'm a doctor, how I got into neurology, if this is my real hair or just a cheap rug, and... but I digress.

Anyway, I'd like to present this flow chart which explains the complex process by which a medical student (sort of like a stem cell) eventually transforms into their specific field. It was sent to me by an anonymous reader, so thank you whoever you are.

You'll notice neurology isn't listed here, likely due to space constraints. I'd put it somewhere under internal medicine, with a special "Freaks and Geeks" section leading to my field.

(click to enlarge)


  1. Nice, crazy with a non-existant attention span...that is me to a tee. I never thought I would like emergency medicine/surgery, but it is pretty fun.

  2. If I were going to medical school (which, I want to so bad but lack the confidence and time to commit), I would go into pathology because more than anything I want to be a medical examiner...always been fascinated with medicine, and the why people die it's nice to know if I did decide to do that, my attitude wouldn't matter :D

  3. Awesome and very true.

  4. I would think the Dermatologists want to get rich more than not be hard working since it's the top students who gets into those residencies.

  5. I am not exactly sure why pathology was listed as "sane."

    Especially in forensics, I think that may be an overstatement.

  6. Good stuff. They need to make one for the education field.

  7. Actually, I'd change the "hates children" category, because after working at a pedes office for so long, I learned you deal with the adults a lot more than the kids!


So wadda you think?