Wednesday, November 18, 2009

That's The Way It Is

My esteemed colleague ERP put this up today, and I thought it was worth sharing.


  1. That is one of the funniest things I have seen in a long time!!! Of course, being a pharmacist, my fave part is the list of allergies! Hysterical! You know what's crazy...we actually had a lady come in with three PAGES of allergies a few weeks ago. Some of the meds were things that were taken off the market forty years ago.

  2. Sad but true!! It's funny...then it's just sad because some version of this happens daily in pharmacies and ER's around the country! I really like when she says she is allergic to employment and all non-narcotics!

  3. He should have said, "How 'bout some cheese with that whine?"

    Don't tell me you ER docs have become judges for dancing with the stars - I mean sickies? I mean you really have to watch and judge (or assess)those feeble dance moves - I mean seizures?

  4. I've heard this song so many times, I almost could sing along.

  5. Oh man Dr. Grumpy that had me cracking up! Very funny!

  6. LOL.. I'm allergic to nonfat food too!!! Can I have some valium for that?

    My word verification is vinni - that rhymes with skinny - can I have that valium now?

  7. Must be tough to be allergic to "east."

    Hard to get home from work. Wait, she's allergic to work, too.


  8. Ahahahahaha that was awesome! I think that woman is a customer of my pharmacy for sure.
    I am allergic to wind. . . and employment.

  9. I'm having flashbacks from so many pharmacy moments that it just gave me a seizure.

  10. YES! She has CP -- reminds me of my days on the cardiac floor! Especially the phenergan and meal tray request. Perfect. Our ER needs this doc.


So wadda you think?