Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Family Math Issues

Mrs. Hyper: "I have 3 kids."

Dr. Grumpy: "That's nice. Boys? Girls?"

Mrs. Hyper: "One of each."


  1. uuuummmm...... but you forgot the imaginary child.

  2. To be fair, she didn't say ONLY one of each. So if she, say, had two boys and a girl, her answer is still true, she just left one out.

  3. Specifically, they're hermaphrodite amputee triplets.

  4. And this after I just posted a whine about math education in this country.

  5. Well, you know what they say. There are three types of people in this world, those who can count, and those who can't.

  6. If she is pregnant and doesn't now the sex of the child then according to quantum mechanics the child is:
    a boy and not a boy and also
    a girl and not a girl.

  7. Anonymous: don't forget that you have to renormalize the wavefunctions of all three children so that the sum total adds up to one boy and one girl.

  8. Disca Man: But if the wave function has not collapsed yet then currently the third child is 50% male and 50% female.
    Is half one way or the other?


So wadda you think?