Monday, October 6, 2014


I'm seeing the elderly Mrs. Cuticle, who's accompanied by her 2 adult daughters. We stopped talking for a few minutes so I could review records they'd brought, and...

Daughter 1: "When are you getting your nails done?"

Daughter 2: "I don't get my nails done. I've never liked it."

Daughter 1: "Well, you should. I mean, it's Autumn. I bet they could do them in some pretty seasonal colors."

Daughter 2: "I don't care, I don't want to get them done."

Daughter 1: "It helps them grow better."

Daughter 2: "It does not."

Daughter 1: "You'll look much nicer in church. It would really improve your appearance."

Daughter 2: "Are you calling me ugly?"

Daughter 1: "No, but you never..."

Daughter 2: "Zip it."

Daughter 1: "Mom, don't you think..."

Mrs. Cuticle: "Shut up. Why can't you ever NOT cause trouble?"

Daughter 1: "You always take her side."

Daughter 2: "Can you blame her?"

Mrs. Cuticle (whips out phone): "I'm calling Michael to give me a ride home. Both of you get out."

Daughter 1: "But Mom..."

Mrs. Cuticle: "Get out or you're grounded!"


  1. I wish I still had a mom to aggravate!

  2. Its pretty clear who has the most testosterone in this dysfunctional societal unit!

  3. Amazing how different sibs can be...go Mom!

  4. Good job mum! But . . .my sister and I have not taken mom to see a yak herder . . .

  5. "And no 'Teen Wolf' for two weeks!"

  6. The biggest question is how you could keep a straight face during this conversation while you faked reading the old records.

  7. *LOL* She totally nailed it.

    FYI: Getting your nails done does not make them grow better.

  8. Hillarious. Go Mom.

  9. Good job, Sis! I forgot there was something in those old records we didn't want to Mother to hear. But, I didn't think we were THAT loud that the doctor could hear us. I never liked nail polish. You know that. It makes my fingertips itch and the half-bitten look is not my style.

  10. Getting pretty autumn colors during the playoffs is how I got my nickname.

  11. It's the same way with my sisters and I.I'm 32 and a doctor and she still yells at me when I argue with my sis. I think we always stay our mother's kids. We just don't do our bickering in public. Too many bad memories of mom embarrassing us when we acted up in public.

  12. And this is why I only had one child. If he starts arguing with an invisible sibling, well, its probably time to visit our local yak herder!


So wadda you think?