Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Breaking Artisanal News!!!

We now take you to Victoria, British Columbia to answer this age-old question:

"Where do I put the artisanal wine and beer after I've run it through my kidneys?"

Victoria has taken the lead on other cities in North America by introducing...

(drumroll, please)


(at a cost of $60,000 to build, I should put processed Diet Coke in it at my next visit, just for the experience).


  1. Love how there's already some "fluids" leaking under the wall...

  2. Well I suppose the "skilled manual action" part of the definition of artisanal might apply. On the other hand, dividing the word into 3 words of 3, 2 and 4 letters suggests something that shouldn't apply to a pissoir.

  3. Eileen- I dunno. Judging from the fluid coming out from under the screen, I'd have to say the "manual action" part isn't able to hit the side of a barn.

  4. Now I am starting to see why this artisinal thing is pissiong off Grumpy.

    Reading this story caused me to move Victoria BC up on my list of places I no longer want to visit, replaced East St. Louis in the #6 spot.

  5. I just don't think I am ever going to be that adventurous of a woman, even with the helpful handles, ugh!

  6. Perhaps the "manual action" just isn't that skilled. They need some kind of sign up in there...

    "We aim to please. You aim too, please."

  7. Maybe it's a southern thing. Since I've been on vacation, I've noticed this word EVERYWHERE. I think my favorite part about it is that the word includes the word "anal" but as you know I'm mature that way.


    I totally envisioned the outhouse at the Norwegian saterfarm I once stayed at for a week. It was a conversation piece: Two holes in the wooden board, so you could converse with your mate....who was also using the facility. On the ground was a bucket of lime and you tossed a little bit down after you were done with your business.

    This looks too modern and sterile. Thought artisANAL (Thanks Old MD girl for that thought) really meant, you know, handcrafted and biodegradable.

  9. Being from Vancouver, BC I am naturally inclined to defend the capital of my province... However, Vancouver Island and the Sunshine Coast are breeding grounds for all things artisinal.

    I went for a brief vacation to Sechelt, BC and saw no less than 6 different types of artisinal potters with their own signage on a single street leading away from the town centre. I was going to take pictures of them and send them to you, but I thought it would be better for your sanity if I just left it alone.

  10. I mentioned anal first - I just was too bashful to put it into words ;-) art is anal just didn't seem the sort of thing I should offer to such tender souls as the usual readers of Dr. G. .

    And Sir - I did say MIGHT, I was giving the gents the benefit of the doubt...

    wv = butbuti - methinks they protest o'ermuch

  11. The leak on the first picture doesn't look inviting. :P

    Nothing against old fashioned public pissoirs, we've got them here in Germany, and I like the look of them. That fancy artisanal stuff can't win against good ole vintage.

  12. http://www.passiveaggressivenotes.com/2011/05/10/diet-coke-addicts/

    Had to share :)

  13. The artisinal flavor of the urinal is less concerning to me than the sheer amount of people who piss in the street in BC...

  14. @Eileen: I posted a comment many weeks ago that I always read artisanal as three words whenever I see it, but Dr G censored me. :-(


  15. It doesn't look like there's anyplace to wash your hands after.

  16. Andy- I didn't censor any comment of the sort. I usually just censor spam and the occasional inflammatory tirade.

    It may not have reached me. The comments feature sometimes will send some to vanish in the cloud.

  17. Word of the day: Pissoirs.

  18. Anonymous@641 --- No place to wash hands -- lol -- when was the last time a man washed his hands after taking a leak??!!


So wadda you think?