Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Modern life

Dr. Grumpy: "What have you been up to?"

Mr. Home: "I took my blood pressure this morning. Then I took my pills and had a BM. These days that's keeping busy."


  1. This is more true than I would like to admit.

  2. Took me a moment or two to process this one. I presume by ”BM” you mean what the Royal Navy Officer class know as a “Bronze” rather than the measurement of blood glucose with the formerly ubiquitous BM Stix...

  3. Take easy man, you are making the rest of us look bad, says the guy who is doing on line harmonica lessons. :)

  4. When I wake up and get going, I write a list. I've been writing lists every day now. Practicing penmanship. Practicing cursive writing.

    My son taught me his Rosetta Stone Japanese lesson. I'm learning that. Neko wa akubi o shite imasu. I think it was a free trial of Rosetta Stone. That's the only thing he's taught me. (My cat is yawning.) I'm thinking about taking photos of his cat yawning to write a book in Japanese about yawning cats. Or, more, if he teaches me more than 'yawning'. He has two cats that do a lot of yawning, however. So, I could get some good photos. His marmalade cat sits in the window and calls other cat friends to sit in the yard. Actually the unmowed lawn. They sit there and watch him and sometimes yawn, too. They watch the squirrels, and the birds in the bird feeder and yawn, if the birds happen to drop by. I think the birds don't stay very long when they see those yawning cats, though. I would like for my son to tell me what the next lesson is about. However, he did say that Japanese cats say 'Nyan' instead of 'meow', but I doubt there's a Rosetta Stone free trial for Japanese for cats.

  5. At my advanced age. Timeouts to pee take up a good portion of the day. Where is Dr. Pissy when you need him?


So wadda you think?