Monday, January 20, 2020

Aged out

Dr. Grumpy: "Okay, we should have the test results later today, so I'll check back afterwards to discuss them. Who's your regular internist?"

Mrs. Fainting: "It's Dr. Olde."

Dr. Grumpy: "He's still practicing? Wow. Okay, I'll call and let him know you're here and what's going on."

Mrs. Fainting: "You don't need to. He was in ER across from me. They were putting him on life support."


  1. When I was on my Internal Medicine rotation in med school, a patient came in wanting a refill on a med that was no longer made, prescribed about 10 years earlier by a doc who was no longer alive.

  2. Guess he is taking early retirement package after all

  3. Something every physician should remember; death comes. To you to and Amy come when least expected.

  4. At least you can find Dr. Olde . . .


So wadda you think?