Monday, September 23, 2019


College kid: "Uh, hello?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Frank, what's going on?"

College kid: "Oh, hi Dad... Um, with what?"

Dr. Grumpy: "I got copied on an email from the university this morning that last night you'd violated some dorm rule by having an extension cord going all the way down the hall?"

College kid: "Oh, that... Yeah, I promised them it won't happen again. It was just an extension cord, though. I think they're making a big deal over it. Everyone has an extension cord."

Dr. Grumpy: "They told me it went from your room, down a hall, down 2 flights of stairs, down another hall, down the main front staircase, through the lobby, and then outside and about halfway across the parking lot."

College kid: "Yeah, I, uh, it was actually pretty impressive. I had to borrow extension cords from a lot of people to do that."

Dr. Grumpy: "They said people were tripping over it."

College kid: "Well, I mean, that explains why it's against the rules, I guess. It's a good idea, actually, if you think about it."

Dr. Grumpy: "That's a big "if." Why weren't you thinking about it? And what the hell were you doing that you had to have an extension cord going that far, anyway?"

College kid: "You know, uh, Dave, that guy down the hall from me? The one with the weird BO? Anyway, we were arguing about how far the dorm's WiFi range goes, so decided to take my laptop into the parking lot to find out."

Dr. Grumpy: "It's a laptop. Why did you need an extension cord?"

College kid: "Well, that girl, Kelly, in my graphic design group, needed a battery for her laptop, and the one she ordered online isn't in yet, so I loaned her mine. So to get my laptop to work to test the WiFi I had to have it plugged in, and to get it far enough out there needed a REALLY long extension cord. So I had to borrow a lot of them from other people in the building."

Dr. Grumpy: "Why didn't you just connect your phone to the dorm's WiFi and walk outside to test it that way instead?"

Long pause.

College kid: "That's a, uh, really good question. Look, Dad, I have to go, because I've got a bunch of extension cords I have to return to people."


  1. I have four kids college age or just past - they all miss the obvious a lot of the time. Ha!

  2. Call from masters degree youngest last week: I can't get my key out of the car ignition! What should I do??????? Me: Is your car in park? Youngest: Oh hahaha no it was in drive. Ok the key is out now. Hopefully one of my other 3 children will pick a good nursing home for me.

  3. Yeah, I wasn't taught common sense at uni either. Thankfully it's come with life experience!

  4. He's so good at accepting feedback! Strong work, Dr. Grumpy!

  5. That's really funny. I have a question, though...why did the college involve you? My 18 year old is in college, and I don't expect, nor want, any communication from the college because he's an adult now, he needs to take care of himself.

  6. BWAAAAAH! I can just see this. Thank goodness Frank didn't need the hair dryer . . . .

    And who is this girl with Frank's laptop battery? Bet Mrs. Grumpy is on that . . .

  7. giving someone your laptop battery... she must be really really cute because damn that is a huge sacrifice to make in hopes of getting laid.

  8. Geez, Grumpy, would you please enroll Craig in Common Sense 101 before you send him off to college? (Judging by the reports of Marie that have been trickling through, I don't think she'll need it. Huzzah for the X chromosome, as usua--and huzzah for my namesake.)

  9. In the words of Hank Hill from King of the Hill - "That boy just ain't right".

  10. Yeah, typical...until they get out in the "real" world and have to deal with stuff on their own, common sense is the LAST thing to occur to them took my son till he was 25 for the frontal lobes to kick in. It's also better if they don't drive till then either ha ha

  11. I agree it takes awhile for common sense to kick in.How they get money is charging for a each violation. We paid over 1500 by the time our three got through college.Now all successful and older.

  12. This sort of thing always bewildered me. I joined the Army before I was 19 with a lot of others who were before 19. Other than some recreational use of floor buffers, I don't recall us as being quite so... impulsive? I mean, they let us shoot and all...

  13. Frank has the "can do" spirit! Thanks for the laugh. Watch out for laptop girl, she sounds like a heartbreaker.

  14. If Frank is the one who chooses your continuing care facility, be prepared to run away.


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