Thursday, November 29, 2018

2018 Holiday gift guide

How many times have you gotten home from a long day at work, opened a cold beer, and thought, "Boy, I'm tired. I'd love to relax by putting my head in someone's ass crack."

Me neither.

Butt, if you have any friends who think this way, now there's the perfect pillow to give them!

Yes, you can relax by lying down with your head on a simulated keister. If people are always telling you that you have your head up your ass, you can now respond, "no, that's my pillow."

The website says they're "squeezable, slappable and face buriable" for those who consider these to be desirable features in tuchus-shaped bed accessories. It also notes "you can dress up your Buttress with undies and PJ's," provided you're into that sort of thing.

I understand that Mr. Arthur Frampton is coming out with a deluxe version.


  1. Do they come in Kardashian size?

  2. Wondering if there is a model that blows gas as you rest. Butts and gas go together like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.

  3. I don't want to know the target market for this item!

  4. Very much appreciate the MP reference. :-)

  5. Are they available in twin, queen, and king sizes?

  6. Now, that's disgusting, considering we do a fair amount of c.diff business in the pharmacy world.

  7. Sleeping cheek to cheek...

  8. I can't wait to see them fly.

  9. If anyone followed the link, it is currently on sale for an amusing $69.00

  10. Always wanted to drool on someone else's ass)


So wadda you think?