Friday, April 21, 2017

Modern medicine

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Ms. Thirst: "Yes, I need to make an appointment with Dr. Grumpy."

Mary: "Okay, our next available is on Thursday, at..."

Ms. Thirst: "Wait, first of all, do you offer a beverage service in your lobby?"

Mary: "Uh, no. There's a water fountain down the hall, by the... Hello? Hello?"


  1. Oh, fer hevvins sake... And of course, he wants it to be 'artisinal' coffee!

  2. Oh, crap I was hoping for another story about spousal shootings to cheer me through the weekend, I guess I will have to settle for the lack of concierge medical services.
    Someone should take that ass and drop him into Somalia so he can savor the grittiness of life in the great beyond.

  3. Hilarious! I just went to my HMO yesterday (which I've had for 20 + years and this has never happened before). They offered me a beverage while I waited. And then the nurse asked me too! Step it up, Grumpy! lol

  4. No, but we have several cases of Diet Coke in the break room

  5. Just wait until Starbucks starts offering neurological exams.

  6. patient satisfaction surveys now determine your healthcare.

  7. Dammit, Grumpy, cut it out. There's snot all over my laptop now.

  8. We have to keep a few bottles of water in the pharmacy because some people have to have a dose of their medication RIGHT THERE RIGHT NOW when they pick it up. The three minutes to walk to the front of the store to use the water fountain is just too much.

  9. Anon 11:48

    Hey! Don't you be givin' away Dr. G's Diet Coke! He's pretty easy-going, but I don't want to see what that might look like!

    BTW, Dr. G. - My MD just referred me to a neurologist/yak herder for the first time. Should I take along a can of Diet Coke? Is that the standard offering? Or would a fifth of something be better? Or even an ounce (I'm from Oregon - it's legal here. :-)

  10. Watch it Dr. Grumpy. You are going to get a one-star Yelp review if you don't step up your service!

  11. Juicero is really working hard to find customers, isn't it?

  12. Bottle service, $1K table minimum, tips not included.

  13. you will have to pay extra OR stop at the car show room down the street and feign interest in one if the new models for about 10 mins


So wadda you think?