Tuesday, February 23, 2016

One of these things is not like the others

Source: Alaska Airlines

Thank you, Laurie!


  1. Glad they specified human organs. I would've taken my pipe organ with me.

  2. Does that mean my torso is a carry on bag? It's where I keep my organs.

  3. Alaska The Last Fontier.

    Otto don't forget the kidneys need to go to Nome.

  4. "That? Oh, that is just my spare kidney ~ you never can tell when you might need one!"

  5. Warning: getting human organs past airport security can be difficult sometimes.

  6. But how can I bring my art portfolio onto the plane if I'm limited to 3 oz of formaldehyde?

  7. Were I a transplant recipient I would be glad to know that it didn't end up in the cargo hold, even if it would be disconcerting to see someone carrying human organs onto a plane.

  8. So THAT'S how you're supposed to fit into an economy class seat.

  9. I send my sinuses to Arizona, I send my liver to Peru. I send my Lungs and my kidneys, for teh summer to Sydney, but I'm sending my heart to you!

    Gotta love George Carlin.

  10. When you're fishing for Alaskan salmon, you want the best bait.

  11. I love Alaska Airlines. I always have ever since the 70s when I first flew a red-eye stateside to study 'farming'. But, no, seriously. Last time I flew economy AK Airlines the guy four seats ahead stuffed a frozen salmon in the overhead compartment. The attendant came by and asked if everyone was in agreement that they make that accommodation, (especially the folks sitting underneath). This is also the airlines that while I was waiting in the airport lounge for the flight to Seattle, there were five people sitting in wheelchairs with big white bandages on their lower extremities.1q`

  12. I've got two eyes, one, two,
    They're both the same size, one, two...

  13. Don't worry, the organs are transported in Igloo coolers, you'll never know!

  14. I'm kind of curious what human organ would exceed the carry-on dimensions usually specified by airlines.


So wadda you think?