Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Seen at the doctor's

Handed to patients at a pediatric ENT's office:

"Is this what the guys in the frat told me about?"

Thank you, Allyson!


  1. I am firmly convinced every ad campaign should be run by a class of high schoolers, and abandoned or revised if they start snickering.

  2. Going in that way will definitely get you to the A, but I'm not sure about the T.

  3. You are dangerous to my belly. It is sore from laughing so hard. Candida is right -- if the high school males snicker, check for double (or triple) meanings.

  4. Dude- it's the 2010's! We don't judge, we're orifice-neutral, man!

  5. So that's what T&A means.
    I almost wonder if there's one at the Senator's office discussing Washington D&C.

  6. "Are you SURE this is second base?"

  7. "I don't think the autopilot was programmed correctly."

  8. "The cave is collapsing!"
    "This is no cave."

  9. Warning: Rectoflute detected up ahead.

  10. My guess (and, yes, I know I'm being somewhat sexist here) is that the writers/editors of that pamphlet were all or mostly women and have no idea what "T&A" is in slang.

    I say this because I was involved in a software rollout project just a couple of years ago; being the only native-English-speaker male on the team I felt I had to tell them that "T&A" was NOT a good acronym for the new "Time and Attendance-Tracking" software. I told them I am not a prude; but that if we wanted this new system to be taken seriously we had to call it something else - and to look up "T&A" in the urban slang dictionary.

    Thankfully, the project led agreed. We didn't use any acronyms for the project, even though the company was into everything having an acronym, and simply called it "Time and Attendance."

  11. While stupidity, or just plain garden-variety ignorance is always a safe bet, I'd like to think that the people who created that little masterpiece knew exactly what they were doing -- and just wanted to see what they could get away with. I mean, think how soul deadening it must be to be writing and illustrating giveaway pediatric patient guides when you started out with the dream of writing the Great American novel, becoming the next Chris Van Allsburg or whatever. You gotta take (or make) your fun any way you can.

  12. Tonsils and adenoids?

  13. Charles, I'm a woman, and I'm the one who sent this to Dr. Grumpy in the first place. Most women know exactly what "T & A" usually means. Trust me.

  14. looks a bit like it is from this (old) German series: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRiHU3tEZvQ
    ...it's quite informative and scientifically correct, before you start judging ;)

  15. Oh my! Can't stop laughing.


So wadda you think?