Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Texts you don't want from your teenage daughter

Earlier this summer, a pregnant rabbit decided to raise her young in our backyard.

This was a really terrible idea, as Mello is, by nature, a hunting dog. So when she discovered them... it wasn't pretty.

Most managed to get out under the gate, but during a Crime Scene Investigation (CSI: The Oleanders) Marie discovered an injured one hiding under a bush.

She took it to her room, named it Phil, googled a few things, and set up a bunny infirmary. This went well for 2 days, but on the third morning, when I asked her how Phil was doing, I got this back:


  1. Bwahahahaha! Definately not one I would be laughing about, if I was on the receiving end!
    (sorry, poor rabit!)

  2. Hahahahahahaha Dr. "Gramp"y

  3. I am sure many of the younger generation have no clue to what you refer.

  4. Oh Grumpy Grandpy, I bet you went through the floor for a second.

    Sorry about the bunny. Mello didn't get all the kits?

  5. Well, what did you expect in an opera? A HAPPY ending?

  6. Not the message you want to hear from a daughter.

  7. Seconding Brent--I'm middle age and while I'm aware of what it means it's never been how the test was done in the time I've been aware of such things.

  8. Wasting away again in Doctorgrumpyville.


  10. Years ago my partner told a very naive friend of ours that when the rabbit died the lab would give the mother to be the rabbit hide to make furry booties for the baby. She swallowed it whole. Yes, we were bad people.

  11. That reminded me of when my cocker raided a cottontail nest. He managed to swallow 3 of them whole before my dad could get to him. As the last one was going down the dog's throat my father grabbed a foot, and only managed to pull the foot off the rabbit.

  12. Oh my goodness! We've had a bit of tularemia in my area, so anytime I see rabbits I think "rabbit fever."

  13. When I was about 9 my first pet rabbit died. My dad said he spent the whole next day at work having to correct people that this wasn't a "congratulations" type of situation.


So wadda you think?