Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Casual Friday

With it being a holiday weekend and the de facto end of summer... me, Pissy, and our staffs decided to all wear Hawaiian shirts last Friday.

Mr. Collar: "I can't believe you're wearing that shirt."

Dr. Grumpy: "I know, but it's Friday, and I have the long weekend off, so I thought I'd wear something relaxed."

Mr. Collar: "That's not the kind of agenda I think a doctor should be pushing."

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, that I wore a Hawaiian shirt on casual Friday?"

Mr. Collar: "No! That you're promoting marijuana use!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Huh?"

Mr. Collar: "On your shirt! You think I don't know what those are?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Um, they're palm trees."

Mr. Collar: "Do I look stupid to you?"


  1. just admit it. with your neurology sorcery you make your patients worship the devil with marijuana cigarettes.

  2. This Bud is For You !

    Seriously, with the advent of synthetic marijuana and all its associated problems you would think that the logical step would be to have safe marijuana sold through regulated and taxed appropriately licensed facilities. The natural stuff is less dangerous than the synthetic. Where are the Doctors on this topic ?

  3. Yes, yes you do look stupid.

  4. Sometimes I think you are putting us on, and you are really a psychiatrist.

  5. "It's bad enough that my priest promotes marijuana use every year on Palm Sunday."

  6. "I've been to Amsterdam. I know what it means when a business has any kind of green leaves on its sign. I still don't quite get why so many of the little hotels there have red lights outside the windows that make it hard to sleep, but with the kind of maid service you get, who cares?"

  7. The Condign GentlemanSeptember 8, 2015 at 10:58 AM

    Boy, would I like to see the look on this guy's face when he figures out that he's been paying $500 an ounce for palm fronds...

  8. Good thing he didn't show up to your office on "Rocky Horror Picture Show" day.

  9. And the poor sucker doesn't even realize that doctors wear white coats in order to promote cocaine...

  10. "And does anyone think to offer ME any?"

  11. "I know what I'm talking about. Back in the '60s, I went to a few Don Ho concerts..."

  12. "I thought Disney World was supposed to be a family-friendly tourist destination, but when we went there last year you wouldn't BELIEVE what we saw all over the Polynesian Resort Hotel!"

  13. If it's a Hawaiian shirt it must be Maui Wowie!

  14. Sukkot is coming in a few weeks. Get your lulav now...

  15. Time for referral to an Optometrist?

  16. So, something else to blame on poor dear Pope Francis. He was just going along with longstanding tradition when he had us bring back our blessed 'palm fronds' to burn for Ash Wednesday. (I'm just being silly, of course.)

  17. I think we are a ridiculous species but very amusing on occasion.

  18. Smokin' banana peels, see how it feels
    The world is swimming with electric eels
    Smockin' banana peels, saving the seals
    Got to keep an even keel!

  19. What, like YOU'VE never made a bong out of a coconut?

  20. Suddenly, "Gilligan's Island" makes sense to me...

  21. You put the lime in the coconut and drink `em all up!

  22. Wow, I never knew marijuana grows so tall in Hawaii.


So wadda you think?