Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Face palm

Dr. Grumpy: "How are the hands doing?"

Mr. Carpal: "Since wearing the brace my right hand is much better, but the left hand isn't. Is this the correct kind of brace?"

Dr. Grumpy: "Yeah, I'm surprised the left isn't any better. Did you get the same kind of brace for that side?"

Mr. Carpal: "I only got one for the right side."

Dr. Grumpy: "So... You haven't been wearing one on the left side at all?"

Mr. Carpal: "I figured wearing only 1 brace was supposed to help both hands."

Dr. Grumpy: "No... you need it on both wrists."

Mr. Carpal: "I tried, but both hands didn't fit in it together."


  1. O.M.F.G!

    Dr G. you must have the patience of a saint not to strangle these ejits!

  2. Oh... oh the logic fail... the PAIN.

    My sympathies, Doctor.

  3. I am continually amazed at some peoples' thought processes and lack of common sense.

  4. Consider this: Those same people drive on public streets in 2 tons of death. They vote and help decide the direction of our country. They breed.

    Are ya skeered yet?

  5. New brace is called either handcuffs or strait-jacket.

  6. "And then it's always so confusing when you put both hands in, you put both hands out, you put both hands in and you shake them all about."

  7. The Condign GentlemanAugust 26, 2015 at 12:43 PM

    "I thought it was one of those homeopathic braces that you just looked at and didn't have to actually wear."

  8. Why are they seeing a neurologist when they obviously don't have brains?

  9. "My life has gotten a lot easier now that nobody wears wristwatches anymore."

  10. if this was only having a placebo effect, would it work for both wrists?

  11. I thank your patients for making me seem intelligent.


So wadda you think?