Monday, June 1, 2015

One way, or another

Him: "Good morning, thanks for calling Local Grocery."

Me: "What time does the post office in the store open?"

Him: "I don't know their hours. You'll have to call back around 9, when they open."


  1. And be sure to call back before 4pm because they're gone after that.

  2. Cute way of conveying the information without violating company policies.

  3. Listen closely. I'd like to help you but I can't. I'd like to tell you to take a copy of your policy to Norma Wilcox on... Norma Wilcox, W-I-L-C-O-X... on the third floor, but I can't. I also do not advise you to fill out and file a WS2475 form with our legal department on the second floor. I would not expect someone to get back to you quickly to resolve the matter. I'd like to help, but there's nothing I can do.

  4. I doubt there's a company policy that prevents them from giving out the bank's hrs. More likely just your typical "could care less about learning anything or adding any value to the company or helping the customer" attitude of many retail workers these days.

    If I hear one more time, "everything we have its on the shelf" I'm going to tell them they deserve the minimum wage they're being paid. Same goes for pointing when I ask for help finding something in a store after I've diligently looked for several minutes.

  5. Au contraire Anon at 5:41, they are separately constituted businesses and very often the company policy of one business precludes associates of that business from in any way shape or form engaging , promoting, talking about the business practices of the separate business even though they may occupy the same premises. It is safe to do things that way. Dr.Grumpy, I am sure does not tell Dr. Pissy's patients to take two aspirin and call Pissy in the morning. The fact that people are not aware of these things is amazing to me. I would not want persons not associated with my business to be willy nilly giving out information pertaining to my business.

  6. Anon @5:41: I used to work at a grocery store and every thing we had was indeed on the shelves. if it wasnt we were out. stockers and deliveries were coordinated because we had next to no storage. though when i encountered people with your attitude i often went in the back pretending to look, doing a smaller task there to waster their time. it's the little things.

  7. To anon@12:17, I'd do this too when I had already looked for the out of stock item for someone else 10 minutes ago, but the current customer doesn't believe me. But I would always walk with the customer if they couldn't find something in another aisle.

  8. Anon8:25 (I'm the same as 12:17): well yeah, i think it's the obvious thing to do, since that was basically my job. but if someone walked up to me and said he looked and there was nothing of the item left on the shelf and wouldnt believe me when i said that means we're all out i then just pretended to look in the back.


So wadda you think?