Friday, March 13, 2015

Thursday afternoon whatever

Ms. Chlorophyll: "I have migraines, with photosynthesis."

Dr. Grumpy: "You mean photophobia."

Ms. Chlorophyll: "Whatever."


  1. You need to turn over a new leaf and branch out in your thinking to get to the root of her problem. And don't bark at people.

  2. Migraines convert light into pain. Maybe that's a kind of photosynthesis.

  3. You are aware that "whatever" is the equivalent of "STFU you pompous asshole", are you not. Thus the popularity of use among the under 21 set.

  4. If we could clone her we could solve the world's energy problem and world hunger.

  5. I think she was asking to be watered. And maybe repotted.

  6. Moose ~ I think she's just potted!

    Off. Cynical ~ perfect!!

  7. if this continues will she end up in a persistent vegetative state?

  8. Synthesis, sensitive, whatever ... it's too much of a bother to think what it is I have, whatever it is gives me a headache, and I'd like to be home right now curled up in a dark corner in a fetal position with a warm washcloth on my forehead.

  9. Apropos nothing, and with prior apologies for a politically incorrect joke...

    Dr. A: "Why the long face?"

    Dr. B: "I just found out that the poor guy I had been treating as a case of tuberculosis actually has lung cancer!"

    Dr. A: "That's nothing. The guy I have been treating for the past three months for jaundice turned out to be Chinese."

  10. ...and my leaves turn a greenish hue.

  11. I had hepatitis once, full-blown jaundice, and even the whites of my eyes turned yellow. Everything took on a yellow-tinged hue. The doctor told me to go home and stay in bed for two weeks. No driving. Just rest and a mild diet. (I was so weak after lying in bed for that length of time, it took me longer to regain strength, than to recover to normal liver enzyme levels.) If your doctor ever tells you to go home and stay in bed for any length of time, tell him or her that they're full of rubbish, and mild exercise is best to stay mobile and functional.

  12. Anon 9:58. Thank you so much for that amazingly deep and relevant tale......


So wadda you think?