Monday, June 16, 2014

Back from the trenches

Frank and Craig returned yesterday from 10 days at Camp Befouled, where they did outdoors type stuff with other guys in the forests of northstate.

To the horror of all (except the boys) we discovered they were wearing the same clothes they'd left our home in 10 days earlier. And, on looking through their bags, we discovered no dirty clothes at all. Just neatly folded shirts, underwear, socks, etc. So they'd been wearing the same outfits, day and night, for 10 days.

They didn't seem to have a problem with this, but on the drive home Mrs. Grumpy and I sure did. In the high humidity of a hot day we had no choice but to keep the windows down so we wouldn't die. If I'd thought to bring some twine I might have just put them on the roof rack for the ride.

Upon getting home, even the dogs didn't want to get close to them. When you smell so awful your dog isn't interested... That's really bad.

We immediately directed them to the shower closest to the garage.


  1. Their microbiomes went macro.

  2. I've seen bilge water that looked less horrifying. Eek.

  3. So what you are saying is that they had the time of their lives, and can't wait to go back next year?

    That water looks like what comes out of my carpet shampooer after I clean the family room.

  4. Aren't the camp counselors responsible for keeping the kids clean?!

  5. When they grow up, they will drink Dos Eqis

  6. @ anonymous -
    The camp counselors tried, but got in trouble when they threw everybody in the cabin into the lake with a stone (to beat their clothes against) tied around each kid's necks.

    stay safe.

  7. @ skidmark - exactly what I was thinking. Did they not go swimming at all? Usually swimming/horseplay in the water gets at least some of the grime off. Maybe they had close the lake due to the kids' filth killing all the fish....

  8. What's scary is that I've had patients on my unit who, after washing them/giving them their bath, left behind a tub of water just a filthy.

    At least I can throw out the tub. My condolences, Grumpy.

  9. Bet they had a great time! Serious dirt, tho, if swimming didn't get some of it off. Perhaps there was a challenge to see who could get the stinkiest at camp? The dog refusal sign IS a significant finding.
    Haz mat gear for you and the mrs for camp pickup next year!

  10. Don't they say that kids with active immunity fare better on exposure to some of the more rabid virulencies? On the other hand, one might have had to actually burn the items of clothing to rid them of certain types of allergens... .

  11. So what are the sleeping bags like?

    Sounds like they had a great time, and next time, bring some rope (not twine) to load the guys on the roof.

    BTW, the "peculiar odor" dirty boys give off changes, in my experience, when they approach late puberty. Just sayin'. Dr. and Mrs. Grumpy, R.N. have interesting times ahead.

    And anonymous, camp counselors are supposed to see to it the kids wash, but, that is not one of their priorities.

    BTW, when my brother was serving in Iraq and other places with little water, they would wear their underwear for a time, then turn it inside out and wear it. THEN they would toss the garment. My Mom could not understand why her son had a standing request for undies in his care packages,and my father chose not to enlighten her. It took daughter who interviewed returning vets to figure it out and tell a horrified Mom. BOOOOOYAH!

  12. There is nothing in the world like having boys, and ( no offense to any of you with daughters ) I wouldn't have changed my experience raising my sons, dirt, smelly sweaty feet, farting contests, and all for anything in the world! I just wish they were little for a while again, I miss it terribly.

  13. Grade AAA Free-Range Boys

  14. And people ask me why I never wanted kids...

  15. That is so typical. And it's not just the boys, either, who do this!

  16. Hahaha! XD Oh well. I have two (still tiny) boys, I guess I'm in for a good ride. ;-)

  17. Hence the expression, "Frank and Craig are scrubbed in a case."

  18. Grumpy:

    LOL! Bubba's not at that stage yet, but he is close!

    So glad he will have to ride home from his long weekend camp (most of the way anyway) on the bus.

    Will be certain to tell him to wear everything.


  19. arzt4empfaenger said...
    Hahaha! XD Oh well. I have two (still tiny) boys, I guess I'm in for a good ride. ;-)

    June 16, 2014 at 5:45 PM

    Best ride of your life!!
    Enjoy it while you can, because the next time you turn around,they're all grown up and you're asking where did the time go? :)

  20. I just want to know how Craig kept his hair perfect if he never bathed???

  21. What? Reminds me of Jeff Foxworthy. If your Mom makes you take a shower when you come in its a good day. When she hoses you down before you can go inside it is a great day.

  22. Sounds like they had fun. It's all washable.

    Pharm.Tech. RDC '06

  23. It may not end when they are adults. A friend of mine went away to school. When his parents got there to help him move back for the summer, they found out that he hadn't washed his sheets once since they dropped him off the previous august. His mom said the sheets were so filthy they were stiff. They obviously just threw them out.

  24. Easy solution for next year. When you pick them up, require that they shower & change before they can get in the car.

    But really, what happened to Craig's hair? Inquiring minds want to know!

  25. Ms. Donna: You are so right about the odor change. My brothers' end of the hall was a "do not enter" zone for the rest of us. That funk was as visible as L.A. smog.

  26. Everyone is so right about a certain odor at a certain age. When my oldest was in 6th grade and her class came in from recess one afternoon, the teacher took one sniff and told them their homework assignment that night was for them all to take a bath.

  27. I have been a camp counselor more than once and every year some kids manage to go home with unopened soap bars and such. Cleaver little devils.

  28. for next year:

  29. My dollink girl and her best friend had a contest to see who could escape bathing at [Girl Scout] camp the longest! I well remember the camp bus pulling in, with the all the girls singing and dirt flying out the windows... dollink lost, because I immediately threw her in the shower, but best friend came to take her to the movies that evening ... and her dad had NOT noticed that she needed a shower.

  30. This is great BOY behavior.

    and VERY common. Your close family /friends of boys should have warned you. (but then would have deprived you of this bonding moment/drive back home)

    Talk to scout leaders in Philmont Scout Ranch about non-shower behaviors at camp. and ways they combat it..... or prior miliary vetreans for those "boys' who retained the behaviors into their late teens/early 20s....

    When they are ranting about your poor choices in aftershave, and sneaking smelly stuff in the cosco checkout , then you can sadly sigh. and long for post camp days...

  31. A friend's son and his mates got into trouble for bringing clean clothes back from camp. Their solution? The following year they still wore the same clothes for two weeks, but before coming home they tipped all their clean clothes into the mud and trampled them.


So wadda you think?