Monday, June 23, 2014


For those of you who don't follow Twitter, I'm going to have to put this up.

My random observation was good. But WhiteCoat's response made it great:


  1. Right on. That's my go-to noxious stimulus. Sternal rubs and fingernail pressure are okay, but the trap squeeze beats them both, as long as you've got enough hand strength to really clamp down.

  2. Love it! Though it was always fun to demonstrate the nail-bed pressure to stupid families!

  3. 10 years on this job and I've never heard of or seen this done. Until next time.....

  4. What about tickling the toes? (With a feather?)

  5. Officer Cynical:

    It's just like taking the asp to just the right spot on the hip to down the drunk who's getting crazy.

    Wish I had enough grip strength to successfully do it.

    All I do are sternal rubs...and I get lots of bony knuckle complaints.

    Must be doing it right. (finally!)

  6. RehabRN:

    All I've ever done, or ever seen other cops & EMTs do, is the sternum rubs. Usually does the trick. But I saw one guy so dedicated to the fake faint that he took an NG tube w/o a peep. His eyes were really watering tho!

  7. I remember one patient who was able to resist all forms of noxious stimuli. The ED doc called me to the patient's bedside and,giving me a broad wink said, "We have no choice. Set him up for a spinal tap." Lazarus was last seen racing down the hall of the ED barefoot w/his clothing bag in his arms and his johnnie flapping open. He was cured! TCG RN

  8. And that, my friends, is why I'm such a big fan of WhiteCoat! :)

  9. Ok, I don't twitter, but now I want to follow both of you!


So wadda you think?