Wednesday, May 21, 2014

You VILL have foot pain!

Hazards of misspelling "fasciitis:"


  1. Well, fascists are also a huge pain, usually just not in the foot region...

    In unrelated news, I think my captcha is a Harry Potter spell, or maybe Elvish. Paratos delydre.

  2. Ya know, I have to triple check everything I type. This autocorrect makes me look like an idiot. Btw thanks for changing the security thing to numbers instead of letters. I'd have to do it like 3 different times before it would save my post.

  3. As one who has it, I don't care how you spell it,just find a cure for it. Huge numbers of afflicted and no effective remedy. Ok,let's open the phone lines for some effective advice on how to cure plantar fasciitis .

    I am not kidding, went for a 2 mile walk in the woods last night can hardly move this AM.

    1. After suffering for a couple of years and going through all if the exercises and braces known to mankind, I finally went to a sports chiropractor certified in Grastin therapy. Not a usual consumer of snake oil, I was a bit skeptical. The "treatments" lasted a couple of months and I had to wear a crazy tight tape brace, but I am over a year out and still pain free. I am back to my previous level of activity and more. Ran a full marathon a couple of months ago!

  4. Oh yeah, the pain is stabbing, stabbing , stabbing........

  5. @ Packer- FIRM arch supports and there are exercises to strengthen the muscles that are weak, which is the root of the tendon pain. I prefer either Superfeet or Birkenstock arch inserts (I work for neither, but have had plantar facitis for years now, these things help). Google for the exercises.

  6. Went to a podiatrist, got custom made orthotics and am pain free (at least in my feet)for last eight years.

  7. Ja, dats serious prroblem vhen goosestepping!

  8. Ditto on seeing the podiatrist and getting custom made orthotics. The ones I had were rigid plastic, they casted my feet. At first you only wear them an hour or so and gradually increase the time as your foot changes. Also night braces are good for PF. I have other foot and ankle issues so now I use AFOs when I'm walking.

    And also ditto on the captcha changing to numbers!!!! The alphabet ones also usually take me 3 or more tries.

  9. Godwin's Law applies to medical diagnoses too?


So wadda you think?