Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring break

Due to my kids having this week off, we're going to visit family in warmer weather. I will return on March 31, 2014.


  1. Have fun! My son's school has cancelled spring break, which was supposed to be around Easter, because they took too many snow days. I fully expect attendance to be very low, including both students and teachers! I know my son won't be there, crazy to cancel spring break!

  2. Have a nice break! Sometimes that's exactly what a blogger needs. :)

  3. Have a nice vacation and come back refreshed .

  4. Enjoy Grumpy! I'm taking my break without the kid (since I'm leaving town later in the week).

    Seniority is a nice thing, if you can get it, so one of these days I'll actually take my spring break (the entire one) with my kid.

    By that time, he won't want to spend any with mom.

  5. Is it warmer weather or is it warmer climate.

  6. We are having warmer temperatures, too! It's all the way up to 37 deg F!! Of course, now that it is "warm enough to snow," so they say ... inaccurately ... we are due another nor'easter tomorrow. We have had a winter full of "feels like minus" and single-digit-and-teen temps and, for much of the winter, at least one snow dump a week. I usually love winter, but I am so over this. Can't afford right now to fly and can't drive far enough to make a difference. Waiting for your return with posts of warmth and sunshine. TCG

  7. Those Mongolian steppes do get cold, don't they?

  8. Happy National Doctors day, Grumpy!!


So wadda you think?