Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Why doctors drink

Mr. Badhair: "I'm here because I want to see an aneurysm specialist."

Dr. Grumpy: "Well, sir, I certainly can discuss them, but I'm a neurologist, not a neurosurgeon. So I can't claim to specialize in them."

Mr. Badhair: "Well, on your office website it says you do, and that you trained at UBS."

Dr. Grumpy: "Sir, I'm not an aneurysm specialist, I've never made that claim, and I didn't train at UBS. I went to BSU."

Mr. Badhair: "Liar! I can't believe you have the nerve to tell me that! I saw it on your site this morning!"

I call up my practice site and turn the iMac around.

Dr. Grumpy: "Sir, this is my site. It clearly says I went to BSU, and says nothing about aneurysms."

Mr. Badhair: "That's because you just changed it."


  1. I recommend Knob Creek and Bellemeade whiskeys, if you are needing to scrub this memory. They work for me.

  2. Chalk it up to "another patient I hope and pray will fire me".

  3. These people are all around you.

    A friend of mine was stuck in traffic on our local freeway in rush hour and had to brake suddenly. The following drive smacked him in the rear and said "Why'd you make me hit you?"

    I weep for this country and the victimhood mentality.

    Change our name to the United States of Facepalm.

  4. The worst part is that they VOTE...

  5. I hope that the wall that you pound your head against has some give to it.

  6. Neurologist, Husband, Father, Yak herder and Stat Website Editor - so talented

  7. "Like that hooker I found on Craigslist last week who turned out to be a guy."

  8. Uh, I think she needs a neuro-something,

    Just which one depends of further tests. I bet a brain MRI will show limited gray matter.

  9. "...you just changed it.."

    Why yes, Mr. Blackhelicopterbadhairguy, he did just change it.

    He's part of "them",or didn't you know that?

  10. Until I worked a few shifts in retail (pharmacy), I had never met so many people with Knowsitall degrees, and what's more, they were always so sure they are 100% correct. They had no doubt in their minds at all. (Because ______ told them so, and who am I, to counter the wisdom of ____? I've only been to school xx number of years to know the answer to the question backwards, forwards, and every which way, but it's always undoubtedly NOT the one the 'patient' asked, is it? (Nor the answer they wanted!)

  11. Sad. Mr. Badhair is going through a rough life on account of bad social skills. He will share this difficulty with all of us. Dr. Grumpy doesn't deserve this!

  12. The pride in some people is so large that they can not let themselves admit they made a mistake.

  13. Jeez, some people's children! How do you refrain from not pointing at the door and saying "OUT!" (Yeah, yeah, professionalism, blah blah.)

  14. Some people are so cuss-ed that they are determined to be cussed, no matter how cussed they are!


So wadda you think?