Thursday, May 23, 2013


Dr. Grumpy: "What brings you in today?"

Mrs. Mom: "I'm worried about my son. I think he drinks too much, and I know it's bad for him."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm sorry to hear that."

Mrs. Mom: "The only person he'll listen to is Dr. Intern, but he refuses to go back to see him about this."

Dr. Grumpy: "How are you..."

Mrs. Mom: "Anyway, here's my son's phone number. Can you please call him tonight, and pretend to be Dr. Intern to talk to him about the drinking? The doctor is from Germany, so you'll have to fake an accent, and..."


  1. Why didn't she ask Dr. Intern to call her son?

  2. Well? Did you tell her ja, or nein?

  3. "I'd have Dr. Intern call him himself, but phone service in the jungles of Paraguay hasn't been too good lately."

  4. "Actually, instead of tonight, can you do it right now? I just remembered that I have a brand new 2-liter bottle of Popov vodka sitting in the kitchen, and if he finds it there won't be any left for me by the time 'Wheel of Fortune' comes on."

  5. Ok, NOW you're just making stuff up, Doktor.

  6. Have her call my older son. He does a fantastic German accent for only $199.95.


So wadda you think?