Tuesday, March 19, 2013


My 2:00 patient had a large, straight, red mark on her forehead.

Mrs. Amana: "Sorry I'm a little late. I burned my forehead."

Dr. Grumpy: "I see that. What happened?"

Mrs. Amana: "Well, I was ironing some shirts, and needed to do my hair. So to save time I put my head on the ironing board, and started doing my hair, too. Then my phone rang, and I turned my head to answer it and..."


  1. Good lord... that sounds stupid enough to be an urban legend. Are you trying to tell us that there really ARE people that scatterbrained running around unsupervised?

  2. "...and that's when the steering wheel knocked over the ironing board and the iron fell on my head!"

  3. Lynne: She wasn't unsupervised. Her 2 year-old was watching.

  4. ...and those kind of people share my gene pool?

  5. Time for some Chlorine in the Gene Pool!

  6. At least she used an ironing board instead of placing the iron directly to her head.

  7. I have a friend whose mother was ironing and watching her soaps and got distracted. When the phone rang, she picked up the iron and put it to her ear. The caller on the other end may still be experiencing a hearing loss from the resulting screech.

  8. The waffle iron called back.

  9. Well, she is seeing an alleged neurologist for some reason. Time for the Yak Herder to check for other problems.

  10. sounds like a blonde joke.

  11. She needs to read recent report on myth of effective multi tasking.

    or better yet, what if her reply is the MADE UP story for a far, far worse lapse in judgement (it seemed like a good idea when i first....)

  12. Last time I heard this, it was a joke with the punchline "Well, I had to call 911."

  13. Didn't they do that on "Laverne & Shirley" ?

  14. I hope she had really long hair. Ow.

  15. "Then I decided to play Angry Birds..."

  16. Finally, a reason to give up ironing.

  17. I'm from the generation long before flat irons were invented to straighten hair. I remember getting together with my girlfriends to straighten each others hair with a clothes iron. So, incidences of which you write about were common, add to that burnt ears, burns on the neck that looked like "hickies," burnt hair from leaving the iron on the hair too long, etc. Those were fun days.

  18. I really hope it wasn't a wrong number or telemarketer

  19. Well, sounds stupid, HOWEVER!! When I was pregnant, I was ironing my uniform and inadvertently my overhanging belly!! Ouch!

  20. When my husband was in the Navy he used to get the Friday accident report, usually referred to as the Friday Funnies. I remember several cases of young men deciding their shirts needed ironing *after* they had put them on. Being young and stupid they did not immediately see the need for taking said shirts off before commencing ironing....

    Hence their inclusion in the weekly accident report.

  21. Hey, while this sounds like an urban legend I can tell you that such stuff is real and otherwise smart people really do such stupid things.

    Case in point, when I college, we had a friend who showed up one day with a really big red mark on her neck. We all took to kidding her boyfriend to not leave such obvious "love bites." He responded by saying (a little too gleefully, in my opinion) "go ahead dear, tell everyone what happened"

    It turned out that she notice that the collar of her blouse was a little wrinkled after she put it on and decide to iron it, and to "save time" (just like your patient Dr. Grumpy - maybe she is the same lady?) she decide to not take it off. Ouch!


So wadda you think?