Friday, February 22, 2013

Family matters

Dr. Grumpy: "Did either of your parents have any major illnesses?"

Mrs. Clueless: "I don't know. They were both adopted."


  1. Can adopted parents have children ?

    Continuing the logical progression illogically.

  2. Which reminds me of something I heard that cracked me up:

    "Did you parents ever have children?"

  3. Have you read Time magazine this month?

  4. I had a math teacher in 8th grade who used to ask, "did your parents have any children that lived?" Still one of my favorite insults.

  5. "They were both adopted. As in I adopted them as adults. You see, after I lost my biological parents in '76, I thought I could cope. But turns out i really missed having someone to tell me how to run my life so I adopted these two last year."
    "Well, how did your biological parents die?"
    "They didn't die, I lost them. At Disneyland."

  6. The person probably heard it as "any major illnesses in your family" or something like that. The reason I say that is my mother died when I was five and she was adopted. When I am asked the question regarding illnesses, I have no idea what I may have a predisposition to on my maternal side. My mother's death was due to an accident, not an illness.

    Still, a funny answer :)


So wadda you think?